D e c e m b e r   2 0 1 5 — Volume 23, Issue 12

GENI-us Letter 2015-12

Paris Climate Summit — Good COP or Bad COP?

Dear GENI Friend,

Indian Prime Minister Modi advocates for solar

Indian Prime Minister Modi advocates for solar

The Climate Change Summit (COP21) is now complete – and the Paris Agreement was voted in by all 197 nations. This was the most important global conference to reign in the dire consequences of increasing CO2 emissions. Getting a unanimous global pact is a big deal!  But does it go far enough?

The new goal is to cap temperature increase at 1.5oC by 2050 (we have already increased 1oC). This means that we must transition away from coal, oil and natural gas entirely by 2100. Keeping the lights on requires a massive uptake of renewable energies on all continents.

http://insideclimatenews.org/sites/default/files/styles/icn_full_wrap_wide/public/ClimateScoreboard1058px.png?itok=sT9pOgbbThree unresolved issues of the Paris Agreement are problematic:

  • There's no enforcement mechanism,
  • Transparency within national emission reporting is unclear, and
  • Individual state targets are not binding.

This shift is going to be hard.  The chart shows three future scenarios: Business-as-usual, with Climate Pledges, and the 2oC Path.  The lower curve requires a revolutionary shift away from fossil fuels to renewables in the next 35 years. This requires leadership, a bold plan and follow-through.

We must now act. Words do precede deeds. Now it's time we shift plans, funding and development into the clean energy model.  We were thrilled that Giving Back Magazine featured GENI this month, which states several good reasons to support our work now.

In Partnership for the Planet,

Peter MeisenGENI's 25th Anniversary Seal -- 1987-2012
Peter Meisen, President

P.S. Please consider a tax-deductible year-end gift for 2015.  Even better, make a pledge for a monthly contribution through 2016. 
Sponsor our Trimtab Campaign: www.geni.org/trimtab/

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Updated: 2014/03/22

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