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Multilateral Organizations These are organizations
formed between three or more nations to work on issues that relate to all of the
countries in the organization. Global Organizations
- European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD)
President: Jean Lemierre - projectenquiries@ebrd.com
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was established
in 1991. It exists to foster the transition towards open market-oriented economies
and to promote private and entrepreneurial initiative in the countries of central
and eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) committed
to and applying the principles of multiparty democracy, pluralism and market economics.
- European
Environment Comissioner: Ritt Bjerregaard - envinfo@cec.eu.int
The European Union is more formally known as the European Community. The
15 current EU member nations have
extended their cooperation into areas of agriculture, fisheries, science and technology,
energy, industry, transportation, education, culture, broadcasting, social policy,
consumer protection, the environment, finance, and foreign policy. http://europa.eu.int/
- Greenpeace
Chair: David Chatfield - supporter.services@ams.greenpeace.org
Greenpeace is a public interest group founded in 1971 to contribute to a
world where people live peacefully in ways that allow the natural environment
to sustain itself. It seeks to end nuclear testing, halt and reserve the destruction
of the biosphere, and international trade in toxic wastes, promote arms control
and disarmanent, promote use of alternative and renewabl energy sources, and promote
the protection marine animals and habitat. http://www.greenpeace.org
- International
Finance Corporation (IFC)
Executive Vice-President: Lars Thunell - webmaster@ifc.org
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group,
shares the primary objective of all Bank Group institutions: to improve the quality
of the lives of people in its developing member countries. http://www.ifc.org
- International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Director-General: Adnan Z. Amin
- irenapress@irena.org
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. http://www.irena.org
- Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Secretary General: Angel Gurria - webmaster@oecd.org
A 24-member international organization for coordinating the economic and
social policies of its industrialized members. Founded in 1961 to replace the
Organization for European Economic Cooperation, which was set up under the Marshall
Plan. http://www.oecd.org
- Organization of
the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Secretary-General: HE Abdalla Salem
El-Badri - webmaster@opec.org
The Organization has 11 members and was established in 1960 to coordinate and
unify members' petrolium policies, and to safeguard their interests individually
and collectively. http://www.opec.org
- OPEC Fund
for International Development
Director-General Mr. Suleiman J. Al-Herbish
- webmaster@opecfund.org
It is a multilateral development finance institution. It was established
in January 1976, by the member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (
OPEC) following a decision taken in March 1975 by the Sovereigns and
Heads of State of OPEC, meeting in Algiers. The Organization aims to promote cooperation
between OPEC member countries and other developing countries as an expression
of South-South solidarity and to help particularly the poorer, low-income countries
in pursuit of their social and economic advancement. http://www.opecfund.org
- Southern African Renewable Energy Information Network
(SAREIN) Not Currently
active under this name
There are 7 Southern African countries involved
in the SAREIN project. Each country has
their own national Renewable Energy Information Network (REIN), lead
by a SAREIN Network Partner. - United
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural organization (UNESCO)
Director-General: Koichiro Matsuura - webmaster@unesco.org
The organization was founded in 1946. It is a UN specialized agency with
166 member nations that promotes international collaboration in the spreading
of knowledge, as well as cultural, educational, and scientific exchanges with
the goal of encouraging peace and common welfare. http://www.unesco.org
Americas - Academy
for Educational Development (AED)
Sol M. Linowitz - admindc@aed.org
Founded in 1961, AED is an independent, nonprofit organization committed to solving
critical social problems in the U.S. and throughout the world through education,
social marketing, research, training, policy analysis and innovative program design
and management. Major areas of focus include health, education, youth development,
and the environment. http://www.aed.org
- Caribbean Community
Secretary-General: Edwin W. Carrington - webmaster@caricom.org
The Organization's mssion is to provide dynamic leadership and service, in
partnership with Community institutions and Groups, toward the attainment of a
viable, internationally competitive and sustainable Community, with improved quality
of life for all. http://www.caricom.org
- Caribbean
Development Bank (CDB)
President: Neville Nicholls The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) was
established by the Agreement which was signed on October 18, 1969, at Kingston,
Jamaica, and entered into force on January 26, 1970, for the purpose of contributing
to the harmonious economic growth and development of the member countries in the
Caribbean and promoting economic cooperation and integration among them, having
special and urgent regard to the needs of the less developed members of the region
(Article 1 of the Agreement establishing CDB). http://www.caribank.org
- Central American
Bank for Economic Integration
President: Jose Manuel Pacas Castro - webmaster@bcie.org
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as a development
bank and the financial arm of integration, has as its mission to promote progress
and integration in the Isthmus, to foment economic growth with equity and to respect
the environment, by means of supporting public and private projects and programs
that create productive employment and contribute to improve productivity and competitiveness,
as well as increase the human development indexes of the region. http://www.bcie.org
- Center for
Development and Population Activities
The Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA)
is a women-focused nonprofit international organization founded in 1975. CEDPA's
mission is to empower women at all levels of society to be full partners in development.
- Group of 77
g77off@unmail.org The Group of
77 (G-77) was established on 15 June 1964 by seventy-seven developing countries
signatories of the Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries
issued at the end of the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD)
in Geneva. Beginning with the first Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 in
Algiers in 1967 which adopted the Charter of Algiers, a permanent institutional
structure gradually developed which led to the creation of Chapters of the Group
of 77 in Rome (FAO), Vienna (UNIDO), Paris (UNESCO), Nairobi (UNEP) and the Group
of 24 in Washington, D.C. (IMF and World Bank). Although the membership of the
G-77 has increased to 133 countries, the original name was retained because of
its historic significance. As the largest Third World coalition in the United
Nations, the Group of 77 provides the means for the developing world to articulate
and promote its collective economic interests and enhance its joint negotiating
capacity on all major international issues. http://www.g77.org
- Inter-American
Investment Corporation
The purpose of the Corporation shall be to promote the economic development
of its regional developing member countries by encouraging the establishment,
expansion, and modernization of private enterprises, preferably those that are
small and medium-scale, in such a way as to supplement the activities of the Inter-American
Development Bank. http://www.iadb.org/iic/
- Latin America
Energy Organization (OLADE)
Executive-Secretary: Luiz A. M. Fonseca olade@olade.org.ec
It is an international public cooperation, coordination, and advisory energy
organization basically aimed at ensuring the integration, protection, conversation,
rational, development, marketing, and defense of the reigon's energy resources.
- Latin America
Oil Companies (ARPEL)
Secretary-General: Andres Tierno Abreu - arpel@arpel.org.uy
It is Organization's mission to generate and carry out activities that will
lead to the creation of a more favorable environment for the development of the
oil and natural gas industry in Latin America and the Caribbean. http://www.arpel.org
- Organization
of American States
Secretary-General: Cesar Gaviria - pimultimedia@oas.org
The Organization of American States is an association of 35 nations from
north, South, and Central America and the Caribbean created to promote peace,
security, and cooperation among the member nations. http://www.oas.org
- Pan American
Health Organization
Director: George A. O. Alleyne The
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
is an international public health agency with more than 90 years of experience
in working to improve health and living standards of the countries of the Americas.
It serves as the specialized organization for health of the Inter-American System.
It also serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization
and enjoys international recognition as part of the United Nations system.
- Regional
Electrical Integration Commission (CIER)
Executive-Director: Hugo L. Rincon-Sergent - secier@secier.org.uy
The main objective of this non-profit organization is to promote and encourage
the integration of the regional electric sectors through actions. http://www.secier.org.uy
- Secreteriat
for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA)
Secretary-General: Haroldo Rodas Melgar - info@sieca.org.gt
- United States
Agency for International Development
Executive-Secretary - webmaster@info.usaid.gov
is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy
guidance from the Secretary of State. The agency works in six principal areas
crucial to achieving both sustainable development and advancing U.S. foreign policy
objectives. http://www.usaid.gov
- World
Bank Group
Media Relations: Caroline Anstey - canstey@worldbank.org
Founded in 1944, the World Bank Group consists of five closely associated
institutions. Our mission is to fight poverty for lasting results and to help
people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge,
building capacity, and forging partnerships in the public and private sectors.
Asia - Asian
and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)
Director: Jurgen H. Bischoff - basab@apctt.org
The objective of APCTT is to strengthen the technology transfer capabilities
in the region and to facilitate import/export of environmentally sound technologies
to/from the member countries. http://www.apctt.org
- Asian Development Bank
President: Mitsuo Sato - adb@adb.org
ADB is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty
in Asia and the Pacific. Established in 1966, we are now owned by 59 members,
mostly from the region. http://www.adb.org
- Asian Productivity
Secretary-General: Takashi Tajima -
apo@apo-tokto.org The Asian Productivity Organization was created
in 1961 to oversee productivity development throughout Asia and the Pacific. Today,
the APO serves as the
umbrella organization for 18 countries to coordinate and assist their individual
productivity activities. These countries, through their respective National Productivity
Organizations, work closely together for mutual cooperation, economic progress,
and a better quality of life for their peoples. http://www.apo-tokyo.com
- Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Executive Director: Dato' Noor Adlan - info@mail.apecsec.org.sg
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 in response
to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Begun as an informal
dialogue group, APEC has since become the primary regional vehicle for promoting
open trade and practical economic cooperation. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific
economic dynamism and sense of community. http://www.apecsec.org.sg
- Asia
Pacific Rim Electricity Cooperation (APREC)
The Asia Pacific rim can pull the world economy like a locomotive, an important
role in the 21st century that can be realized by the APREC
vision. http://www.terrawatts.com/aeeng.html
- Association
of Southeast Asian Networks (ASEAN)
The Energy Ministers of the ASEAN Member
States acknowledged that the development of energy infrastructure, diversification
of energy supply, improvement in energy efficiency and the utilization of new
and renewable energy technologies would greatly contribute to the region’s energy
security. http://www.aseansec.org/
- Colombo
Plan for Co-operative Economic and Social development in Asia and the Pacific
Secretary-General: Patricia Yoon-Moi The Colombo Plan, the world’s oldest
regional co-operation organisation, promotes development through South-South partnership
among the its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. Launched 1951
as a co-operative venture in economic and social development by seven Commonwealth
countries. http://www.colombo-plan.org/
- Japan Institute
of International Affairs (JIIA)
President: Hisashi Owada - info@jiia.or.jp
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) is a private, non-profit,
and independent research organization that was founded in 1959 through the initiative
of former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida. Since its foundation, JIIA's activities
have been based on the five basic goals stipulated in its charter. They are: To
foster the scientific study of international politics, economics and law. To provide
the means for examining and researching international affairs. To promote the
exchange of information, knowledge, and views on international affairs. To encourage
research of international affairs at universities in Japan. To promote exchanges
with universities and research institutes in other countries. http://www.jiia.or.jp
- Secretariat
of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Director-General: Dr Jimmie Rodgers - spc@spc.int
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community 's role in Pacific Islands development,
unlike its structure, membership and home, has not changed significantly since
1947. Its mission has always been to provide technical advice, assistance, training
and applied research to its Island member countries and territories.
- South
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Secretary-General: Naeem U. Hasan - saarc@saarc-sec.org
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established
when its Charter was formally adopted on December 8, 1985 by the Heads of State
or Government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri
Lanka. SAARC provides a platform for the peoples of South Asia to work together
in a spirit of friendship, trust and understanding. It aims to accelerate the
process of economic and social development in Member States. http://www.saarc-sec.org
- South
Pacific Forum Secretariat
Secretary-General: Noel Levi - info@forumsec.org.fj
The Secretariat's mission is to enhance the economic and social well-being
of the people of the South Pacific, in support of the efforts of the national
governments. Its particular responsibility is to facilitate, develop and maintain
cooperation and consultation between and among its 16 members on issues such as
trade, economic development, security, and other related matters. http://www.forumsec.org.fj
- United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Secretary: Adrianus Mooy - webmaster@unescap.org
plays a unique role as the only intergovernmental forum for all the countries
of the Asian and Pacific region, in the absence of a regional grouping similar
to the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
or the Organization of American States (OAS).
Indeed it spawned two of the region's vital institutions -- The Asian Development
Bank and the Mekong River Commission. ESCAP gives technical support to member
Governments for socio-economic development. The assistance comes through direct
advisory services to Governments, training and sharing of regional experiences
and information through meetings, seminars, publications and inter-country networks.
- United
Nations Economic and Social Commssion for Western Asia
Executive-Secretary: Hazem El-Beblawi - library@escwa.org.lb
ESCWA is a part of the Secretariat of the United Nations and is one of the
five regional commissions which report to the Economic and Social Council, the
principal organ of the United Nations responsible for coordinating economic and
social activities in the United Nations system. http://www.escwa.un.org/index.asp
Middle East / Africa
- Abu
Dhabi Fund For Development (ADFD)
Director General: Saeed Khalfan - opadfdmn@emirates.net.ae
The main objective of the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) is to provide
assistance to Arab, African and Asian countries for the development of their economies
by promoting development projects through loans, equity participation or guarantees.
The operations of the Abu Dhabi Fund began in 1974. - African
Development Bank Group
Secretary-General: P.Afrika -
afdb@afdb.org The African Development Bank is the premier
financial development institution of Africa, dedicated to combating poverty and
improving the lives of people of the continent and engaged in the task of mobilising
resources towards the economic and social progress of its Regional Member Countries.
- Environmental
Law Institute - Africa Program
Over the last two years, the Environmental Law Institute has developed its
Africa Program to promote environmental law, policy, and management in Africa.
Partnering with activist African NGOs, ELI drafts and advances pragmatic and effective
environmental laws and policies, analyzes and identifies options to improve the
implementation of existing environmental law, and builds the capacity of local
institutions and citizens in Africa to carry out these tasks independently. In
addition to strengthening environmental laws, ELI and its partners empower civil
society to address environmental needs by undertaking projects in rule of law,
transparency, public participation, and access to justice. http://www.eli.org/Program_Areas/africa.cfm
- African
Export-Import Bank (AFREXIMBANK)
President: Christopher C. Edordu - mail@afreximbank.com
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) was created under the auspices
of the African Development Bank (AfDB)
following a Resolution adopted by the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
held in Cairo, Egypt in July 1987. The purpose of the Bank is to facilitate, promote
and expand intra-African and extra-African trade. http://www.afreximbank.com
- African
Project Development Facility (ADPF)
Director: Nkosana Moyo (2003) The APDF seeks to accelerate development
of productive enterprises sponsored by private African entrepreneurs as a means
of generating self-sustained economic growth and productive employment in Sub-Saharan
Africa. The facility provides advisory services to private African entrepreneurs
in preparing viable projects, works with the entrepreneurs to secure financing,
and helps them obtain technical and managerial assistance to start their projects.
APDF was established in 1986 as a United Nations Development Programme project
-- with the International Finance Corporation as executing agency and the African
Development Bank as regional sponsor. The facility maintains offices in Nairobi
(Kenya), Harare (Zimbabwe), and http://www.gmfield.info/English/KOs/A/KO_000029835.htm
- Arab
Bank for Economic Development in Africa
Director General: Medhat Sami
Lotfy - badea@badea.org The Arab
Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)
was established pursuant to the decision of the VIth Arab Summit Conference at
Algiers. The Bank began operations in March 1975. Its headquarters are established
in Khartoum, the capital of the Republic of the Sudan. The Bank was created for
the purpose of strengthening economic, financial and technical cooperation between
Arab and African countries, to make Arab-African solidarity a concrete reality
and to base this co-operative venture on foundations of friendship and equality.
To this end, the Bank was given a mandate to assist in financing economic development
in non-Arab African countries, to stimulate the contribution of Arab capital to
African development, to help provide the technical assistance required for the
development of Africa. http://www.badea.org
- Arab
Maghreb Union (AMU)
Secretary-General: Mohamed Amamou - sg.uma@maghrebarabe.org
The main objectives of the AMU are to strengthen all forms of ties among
Member States, as well as to introduce gradually free circulation of goods, services,
and factors of production, among them. http://www.maghrebarabe.org
- Arab Planning
Institute - Kuwait
Director General: Essa Al-Ghazali - api@api.org.kw
The Arab Planning Institute is a non-profit regional organization whose primary
mission is to advance the cause of economic and social development in Arab countries
through training, research, consultancy, expert-group meetings, and publication.
The API's main objectives are to provide the necessary knowledge-based and experiential
skills that will empower Arab countries to keep pace with the cutting edge of
Development, Economic Management and Planning, to facilitate the process of research
and data retrieval for Arab decision- makers and researchers, to increase the
quality of studies and research skills of those specializing in Development, Economic
Management and Planning, in the Arab Countries, to create an Arab cadre of multi-level
specialists in the areas of Economic and Social Development, and to establish
a venue for experts to meet and exchange ideas about important economic and social
development issues for the Arab countries. http://www.arab-api.org
- Central
Bank of West African States
Governor: Charles Konan Banny - webmaster@bceao.int
The Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO - Banque
Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest) is the common central bank
of the eight (8) member states which form the West African Monetary Union (WAMU).
The BCEAO is a public international institution whose headquaters is located in
Dakar, Senegal. Besides the sole right of monetary signs issue which it enjoys
throughout the member states of the Union. http://www.bceao.int
- Common Market
For Eastern And Southern Africa (COMESA)
Secretary-General: J.E.O. Mwencha - comesa@comesa.int
COMESA exists as an organisation of free independent sovereign states which
have agreed to co-operate in developing their natural and human resources for
the good of all their people'. With its 20 member states and population of 385
million it forms a major integrated trading block. http://www.comesa.int
- Gulf
Cooperation Council
Secretary-General: GCC), officially
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, organization (est. 1981)
promoting stability and economic cooperation among Persian Gulf nations. Its members
are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
In 1991 the GCC countries joined with Egypt and Syria to create a regional peacekeeping
force. An aid fund was also established to promote development in Arab states;
it was used to help liberate Kuwait in 1991. In 2003 GCC members eliminated tariffs
on trade between member nations and established common external tariffs. They
have agreed to establish a broader economic union (including a single market and
currency) by 2010. - Council
of the Entente (Conseil de l'Entente)
Administrative-Secretary: Paul
Kouame The Council of the Entente was established in 1959, as a political
and economic association of self-governing states, formerly a part of French West
Africa. Its purpose is the promotion of political, social, and economic coordination
among the member states. - Economic
Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Executive-Secretary: Lansana Kouyate - info@ecowasmail.net
The Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
is a regional group of sixteen countries, founded in 1975. Its mission is to promote
economic integration in all fields of economic activity, particularly industry,
transport, telecommunications, energy, agriculture,
natural resources, commerce, monetary and financial questions, social and cultural
matters. http://www.ecowas.int
- Economic
Cooperation Organization (ECO)
Secretary-General: Onder Ozar - eco.org@neda.net
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), is an intergovernmental regional
organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose
of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the Member States.
ECO is the successor organization of Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD)
which remained in existence since 1964 up to 1979. In 1992, the Organization was
expanded to include seven new members. The date of the Organization’s expansion
to its present strength, 28th November, is being observed as the ECO Day.
- Enterprise
Support Services For Africa
Was started in Ghana in March, 1996. Funded by the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA)
and the International Finance Corporation (IFC),
ESSA assists small and medium sized businesses in developing their potential for
achieving success, both locally and internationally, by helping business men and
women better manage their businesses. - European
Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation
Secretary-General: Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb - medea@medea.be
Institute is a non profit association under Belgian law which was created in July
1995. It started its activities in April 1996. Its objectives are to facilitate
exchanges of information and ideas between politicians, academics, journalists
and concerned NGO’s, to promote independent and objective analysis, and to communicate
research findings to opinion and political decision makers, in particular members
of the European Parliament, in order to make a substantial contribution to co-operation,
development and stability in the Mediterranean region and in Euro-Arab relations
in general. http://www.medea.be
- Fund
For Co-Operation, Compensation and Development
(Ecowas Fund)
Director: Barthelemy D. Drabo - fund@ecowas-fund.org
The Fund for Co-operation, Compensation and Development (ECOWAS FUND) was
established on 28 May 1975 and became operational in 1979. ECOWAS FUND derives
its resources from contributions from Member States, income from loans and placements,
as well as lines of credit from financial partners. It operates a compensation
fund which is used to provide assistance to Member States that incur losses as
a result of the implementation of the trade liberalization scheme.
- Inter-Arab Invesment Guarantee
Corporation (IAIGC)
Director-General: Mamoun Ibrahim Hassan - iai@ncc.moc.kx
The Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation is a Pan-Arab regional organization
with membership of all Arab countries (except Comoros Islands). It was established
with the aim of promoting inter-Arab investments and trade. The Organization's
objectives are to provide insurance coverage for inter-Arab investments and export
credits against non-commercial risks for the former and non-commercial and commercial
risks for the latter, and to foster inter-Arab investment flows through the awareness
of potential investors of investment opportunities, provision of institutional
support, and development of human capital. http://www.iaigc.org
- Kuwait
Fund For Arab Economic Development
Chairman: Ali Salem al Ali Al-Sabah
- info@kuwait-fund.org The
Organization was established in 1961, the year of Kuwait's independence, to asist
Arab and other developing countries in developing their economies by particularly
by providing loans and grants required to facilitate the implementation of development
programs. http://www.kuwait-fund.org
- League
of Arab States
Secretary-General: Ahmed Esmat Abdel-Meguid - info@leagueofarabstates.org
The League is a national and regional organization that seeks to promote
closer ties among member-states and co-ordinate their policies and their economic,
cultural, and security plans with a view to developing collective co-operation,
protecting national security and maintaining the independence and sovereignty
of member-states; thereby enhancing the potential for joint Arab action in all
fields. - Niger
Basin Authority (NBA)
Executive-Secretary: Bba BA' Aba It was created in 1964 by the Agreement
of Niamey. The Niger Basin Authority is responsible for the harmonization and
coordination of national development policies' the formulation of trhe general
development policy of the Basin; the elaboration and implementation of of an integrated
development plan of the Basin; the initiation and monitoring of an orderly and
rational regional policy for the utilization of the waters of the Niger River.
- Organization
of African Unity (OAU)
Secretary-General: Salim Ahmed Salim The Organization of African Unity
was established on May 25, 1963, at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Charter of the
Organization was signed on that occasion by Heads of State and Government of 32
independent African States. Its purposes are to promote the unity and solidarity
of the African States; defend the sovereignty of members; eradicate all forms
of colonialism; promote international cooperation having due regard for the Charter
of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; coordinate
and harmonize Member States economic, diplomatic, educational, health, welfare,
scientific and defense policies. http://www.oau-oau.org
- Organization
of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
Secretary-General: Abdulaziz A. Al-Turki - oapec@quailitynet.net
The Organization was established by an agreement amongst Arab countries which
rely on the export of petroleum, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OAPEC) is a regional inter-governmental organization concerned with
the development of the petroleum industry by fostering cooperation among its members.
OAPEC contributes to the effective use of the resources of member countries through
sponsoring joint ventures. The Organization is guided by the belief in the importance
of building an integrated petroleum industry as a cornerstone for future economic
integration amongst Arab countries. http://www.oapecorg.org
- Saudi Fund
For Development (SFD)
Vice-Chairman: Mohammad Al-Sugair - info@sfd.gov.sa
The basic objective of the Fund is to “participate in the financing of development
projects in developing countries through the granting of loans to said countries”.
The emphasis is on development projects that promote the social and economic well-being
of the people in low income countries. http://www.sfd.gov.sa
- Sub-Sahara Africa
Director: Cesare Calari - abn@ifc.org
- Swisscontact
in Eastern and Sothern Africa
Executive Director: Dr. Urs Egger -
sc@swisscontact.ch Swisscontact
is a private foundation for development cooperation. It was established in 1959
by leading Swiss businessman as a non-profit organization. The overgoal of Swisscontact
is to contribute directly and indirectly to the improvement of social and economic
conditions in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and East European countries.
- United
Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
Director: Jeggan C. Senghor The United Nations African Institute for
Economic Development and Planning (IDEP by its French acronym) was established
by resolution 58 (IV), adopted at the fourth session of the Conference of Ministers
of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). It began its operations on 21 November
1963. The primary purpose of IDEP is to undertake a wide range of activities related
to economic development and planning in Africa with the aim of promoting and defending
the economic independence of African countries. http://www.un.org/depts/eca/idep
- West African
Development Bank (BOAD)
President: Boni Yayi - boadsiege@boad.org
The African Western Bank of Development (BOAD) is the common institution
of financing of the development of the States of the African Western Union Economic
and Monetary (UEMOA). It is created by Traité signed on November 14, 1973.
The Member States of the BOAD are: the Benign one, Burkina, the Côte.d'ivoire,
Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. http://www.boad.org
- West
African Power Pool
Director of Programs:
WAPP is a cooperation of the national electricity companies in Western Africa under the auspecies of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The members of WAPP are working for establishing a reliable power grid for the region and a common market for electricity. It was founded in 2000.
Updated by PM Dekker, Togan Moler. Original research by Tanya Saenz
Email: info@geni.org
- West
African Rural Foundation
Director of Programs: Diana Senghor - warfedi@cyg.sn
WARF helps rural
communities find and follow a path to self-reliance. This transformation rests
on two cornerstones: (1) a better appreciation by the community of the value of
their local resources — human and natural; and, (2) an enhanced capacity of the
community to act effectively to realize that value. http://www.frao.org
by Togan Moler. Original research by Tanya Saenz
Email: info@geni.org

GENI Keywords:Global Organizations, European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),
European Union, Greenpeace International, International Finance Corporation
(IFC),Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC Fund for International Development, Southern
African Renewable Energy Information Network (SAREIN),
Renewable Energy Information Network (REIN), United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural organization (UNESCO),
Academy for Educational Development (AED)
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