Chevron expands geothermal operations
in Indonesia
August 13, 2007 - The Associated Press
JAKARTA, Indonesia: Chevron Corp., the only
foreign business currently developing geothermal energy
in Indonesia, is expanding operations at one of its
power plants on Java island to bring electricity to
an additional 700,000 homes, the company said Tuesday.
The U.S. energy company, which has operated two geothermal
fields on the seismically charged island since the
1980s, said in a statement it has started commercial
production at its 110-megawatt (MW) Darajat III plant
in Garut, West Java province. The renewable energy
produced there will bring the number of homes receiving
electricity from Chevron's geothermal projects in
Indonesia to 3.9 million up from 3.2 million at present,
said John Watson, president of Chevron International
Exploration and Production. The sprawling archipelago
sits on what is believed to be the world's largest
geothermal resource base, with the potential to provide
21,000 megawatts — enough to supply all the energy
needs for its 220 million people. But existing plants
have a combined capacity of just over 800 megawatts,
or 4 percent of Indonesia's potential. Legal uncertainties,
financial risks and government bureaucracy have kept
international investors at bay.