Agreement reached on new German feed-in tariff, maximum
12% regression
Feb 9, 2001 - Mark Osborne -
Fears of further aggressive cuts to the German
feed-in tariff (EEG) mid-year, on the back of
installations exceeding 6GW in 2010, would seem
to have been averted with industry and government
provisional agreement on a new tariff structure.
Although yet to be ratified into law, the new
FiT structure limits regression to a maximum
of 12% in July, should installations reach 6.5GW
from March-May (normalized annually).
However, the new mechanism allows for a FiT increase
should installations not reach 2.5GW and no cut would
be implemented should installations fail to reach
3.5GW on a normalised annual run-rate based on installations
from March to May, 2011.
Importantly, the standard annual FiT reduction is
expected to be changed from the current 21% reduction
to a less aggressive 9%, reviving the previously
long-standing annual tariff regression rates.
The proposed tariff changes are as follows:
< 2.5GWp: FiTs would be increased by 2.5%
< 3.5GWp, no further cut
< 4.5GWp: 3% FiT cut
< 5.5GWp: 6% FiT cut
< 6.5GWp: 9% FiT cut
> 6.5GWp: 12% FiT cut