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Wind, solar power capacity in 27 nations to quadruple by 2020

Jan 14, 2009 - Asia Pulse Data Source

The capacity to generate electricity through wind and solar power systems in 27 nations, excluding Japan, will increase four- to fivefold from 2008 to 2020, according to a report released Tuesday by research firm Fuji Keizai Co.

The report says tax breaks and government procurements of power at higher prices will spur market growth, particularly in the U.S. and China, replacing Europe as the driving force for alternative-energy expansions. The combined wind power generation capacity will reach 471 million kilowatts in 2020, up 330 per cent from last year.

The combined capacity for solar power generation will come to 48.7 million kilowatts, an increase of 380 per cent, with geothermal power production seen rising 190 per cent. The total electrical output from biomass in 12 nations is forecast to jump 150 per cent.

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is expected to announce plans to promote power generation using renewable energy. The report says U.S. windmill capacity will rise 510 per cent by 2020, and China will experience 460 per cent growth for wind power systems and a 12-fold increase for solar power technology. Germany will see slightly more than 100 per cent increases for both wind and solar power systems.

The figures are based on a survey of 14 European nations, eight Asian countries, the U.S., Brazil and others. Japan was not included in the study.