Environmental study to inform location
of future offshore energy developments
Jan 26, 2009 - Dept 0f Energy
and Climate Change (UK National)
A new study of the UK's shores, published today,
recommends there's scope for between 5,000 and 7,000(1)
more offshore wind turbines, enough to power the
equivalent of almost all the homes in the UK and
make a massive contribution to renewable energy
Experts have spent more than a year surveying the
environment of the UK's seas to assess the potential
for further development in offshore wind, oil and
gas licensing and natural gas storage. The extensive
work included the surveying of bird populations,
studying the geology of the seabed, tagging marine
mammals like grey and harbour seals, as well as
charting how shipping, fishing and other industries
use the seas around the UK.
The report, published as part of the Department
of Energy and Climate Change's Strategic Environmental
Assessment, along with the feedback from public
consultation, will help inform decisions on where
future offshore energy development can be built
to further secure the UK's fuel supplies.
The report will now be subject to a 12 week public
Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband
"In terms of electricity, offshore wind power could
potentially make the single biggest contribution
to our 2020 renewable energy target so it's vital
we maximise the UK's natural resources to help in
the fight against climate change.
"This report provides a real advance in our understanding
of the ecology and geology of the UK marine environment
so we can continue to ensure that projects like
wind farms are built in the most suitable places
and that we will also protect the natural environment."
The Crown Estate, as landlord of the seabed, will
also consider the report's findings as it develops
its plans for Round 3 offshore wind development
Rob Hastings, Director of the Marine Estate at
The Crown Estate, said:
"We welcome the launch of this report and recognise
the critical part that it forms in the delivery
of 25GW of marine renewable energy by 2020. The
publication of the study at this time ensures that
as an industry we are well prepared to take on the
challenges that will come as part of the Round 3
offshore windfarm leasing process."
We are already seeing the economic benefits of
offshore wind in the UK, with NaREC's technology
innovation centre in the North East and Vestas building
turbine blades on the Isle of Wight. A 25GW expansion
could create massive opportunities for jobs in engineering
and manufacturing and further cement the UK's position
as the global leader in offshore wind deployment.
Offshore wind power is hugely important in meeting
the UK's renewable energy and climate change targets
which is why the Government has proposed to increase
the financial incentives to make the UK an attractive
place for offshore wind development. Seven wind
farms are already operating off the coast of the
UK(2), a further five are under construction, nine
have been approved and two are in the planning process.
Government recognises the challenge, particularly
in the present financial circumstances, of encouraging
investment in offshore wind which is why we are:
* Making the planning process easier
* Ensuring quicker connection to the grid
* Offering better support to business and tackling
supply chain blockages
* Reforming financial support for renewables
In addition to wind farms, the seas around the
UK provide some significant opportunities for sub-sea
gas storage and we expect to consult further on
new licensing arrangements for offshore gas storage
in the near future.
(1) Based on 3.6MW turbines and 5MW turbines (2)North
Hoyle, Scroby Sands, Kentish Flats, Barrow, Burbo
Bank, Lynn and Inner Dowsing
Notes to editors
1. The Environmental Report is the main output
of the Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment
(SEA) (http://www.offshore-sea.org.uk) launched
in December 2007. The SEA will inform the Government
Decision on whether to proceed with the draft plan
to develop a further 25GW of offshore wind, in addition
to the 8GW already planned in UK waters. It also
informs the licensing of oil and gas and gas storage
in hydrocarbon reservoirs.
2. The Environmental Report, which was produced
by Hartley Anderson Ltd, will now be subject to
12 weeks' public consultation. Following consultation,
the Government is expected to take a decision on
the acceptable level of offshore wind development,
as well as offshore oil and gas licensing and gas
storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs, in Spring 2009.
3. As for previous DTI/BERR/DECC Strategic Environmental
Assessments for oil and gas licensing and Round
2 of wind farm leasing, an extensive programme of
studies has been undertaken to support the current
Offshore Energy SEA. Several studies include new
information, maps and images. It is planned to make
all of the study reports publicly available on the
SEA website http://www.offshore-sea.org.uk/site/.
In addition, all the reports and data are archived
on the DEAL database.
4. In parallel to the SEA process, in June 2008,
The Crown Estate (landlord of the UK seabed) launched
its Round 3 leasing programme for the delivery of
up to 25GW of new offshore wind generation by 2020.
Bids for Round 3 zones will close in March 2009,
enabling The Crown Estate to make awards later in
2009, following the Government's decision on the
Offshore Energy SEA. The Crown Estate leasing programme
is expected to accelerate delivery of offshore wind
farm projects, resulting in quicker consenting decisions
and, ultimately, more wind farms generating renewable
electricity, more quickly. We could expect the earliest
projects to be in a position to apply for consents
any time from 2010 and potentially being built from
2015 onwards.
5. For further information on the wider work within
DECC to facilitate the deployment of offshore wind,
see web link http://www.berr.gov.uk/whatwedo/energy/sources/renewables/index.html
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