Government gives green light to micro
March 12, 2008 -
BWEA, the trade association representing the UK’s
micro- and small-wind industry, today welcomed the
Govt’s decision to relax planning rules for onsite
household wind turbines.
The Govt plans to allow householders to install wind
turbines, with a diameter of up to 2m, without having
to get planning permission from local councils.
Alex Murley BWEA Small Systems Manager said “Planning
is one of the major blockages to providing onsite
renewables for homes and businesses” he added “thousands
of applications are stuck in the planning process,
this reform will make it much easier for consumers
to supply their own clean, green energy.”
The Govt is introducing new regulation as part of
its reform of the planning system, the General Permitted
Development Order (GPDO), to relax planning red tape
for domestic renewable energy. Micro-wind turbines
and air source heat pumps has passed the first stage
of being included in the new guidance having won UK
Government approval from DCLG, it now has to be referred
to the EU for final ratification before coming into