
Antoinette (A.J.) Adams


The work experience that I have received while completing my 2008 summer internship at GENI was educational and enlightening. My primary job duty during this time was to update and create individual records for the database of GENI contacts. It has been exciting to learn about renewable energy and the many nations that have adopted cleaner, more natural energy practices such as Australia, Germany and China. A great deal of the information about renewable energy that has been given to me by my peers and superiors at this non-profit organization will remain with me for a lifetime.

As a student at Alliant International University, the decision to internship at GENI was made after interviewing with a couple of the staff members and understanding a brief history of the organization’s background that perpetuates the energy sustainability philosophy of Buckminster Fuller. The energy conservation theme is common in this company along with concern for humanity on a global scale. The GENI staff, volunteers and interns are as culturally diverse as the world and have been a pleasure to work with. From them I have learned new and innovative energy paradigms for the future.



If you were a GENI intern or volunteer and we've missed your name, please contact GENI as soon as possible, including information about the time(s), date(s), and project(s) involved.

For further information on Intern Opportunities at GENI, click here.