Ul Haq - Is it a Compassionate Society?
of the World Forum, November 4 - 7, 1997
Dr. Ul Haq is the Founder and Director of the Human
Development Centre of his country, recently he has
been instrumental in creating the Human Development
Report, which is a wonderful tour for understanding
the conditions of the human beings around the world.
My theme is that our global society is not a very
compassionate society today. We are quite fond of
describing ourselves as one world, one planet, one
humanity, one global society. But the blunt reality
for many of us who come from poorer lands is simply
this: we are at least two worlds, two planets, two
humanities, two global societies. One embarrassingly
rich and the other desperately poor -- and the distance
between them is widening, not narrowing. Can we really
call it a compassionate society when the richest one
fifth of the world consumes 80% of the world's nature
resources, and when it commands an income 78 times
as high as the income of the poorest one-fifth of
this world?
Can we call it a compassionate society when there
is so much wasted food on the table of the world's
rich at the time when 800 million people go hungry
every night and 160 million children are severely
Can we really call it a compassionate society when
1.3 billion people do not have access to even a simple
necessity like safe drinking water? When one billion
adults are illiterates and 1.3 billion people survive
in absolute poverty on less than one dollar a day?
This is below any definition of human existence.
It is certainly not a compassionate society when 134
million children in South Asia alone, which is my
region, work for over 16 hours a day in inhumane conditions
for a wage of only 8 US cents a day. And when they
loose their very childhood to feed the greed for higher
profits from the indifferent employers, some of them
the most powerful multinationals of the world who
exist in your countries?
It is certainly not a compassionate society where
over one half of humanity, the women of this world
are economically marginalized and politically ignored.
When their 11 trillion dollar contribution to household
activity is simply forgotten in national income accounts.
And when they contribute 50% of the work but they
are only less than 10% of world's parliaments.
What kind of a compassionate society is it? The modern
jet fighter are parked on the runways while homeless
people are parked on city pavements. The many desperately
poor nations spent much more on arms than on education
and health of the people. Where the five permanent
security council members supply 86% of arms to the
poor nations giving handsome subsidies to the arms
exporters. How brilliantly we have chosen the custodians
of our global security.
What kind of a compassionate society is it? We have
millions of land mines all over the world waiting
for their unsuspecting victims -- where it takes only
three dollars to plant a mine but over one thousand
dollars to remove it. And where the treaty to ban
land mines is ready but the U.S. simply refuses to
sign it.
What kind of a compassionate society is it? Where
we all recognize that nuclear weapons should never
be used and yet our leaders refuse to banish them
because they are so fond of playing global power games.
And what kind of compassionate society is it? Where
a few powerful nations decide the fate of the entire
world and the supreme irony is that the powerful democratic
nations themselves rule out democratic governance
and the running of global institutions; whether the
World Bank, the IMF or the United Nations. The simple
truth is that we are unwilling to face up to honest
truth -- that we are far from the ideal of a compassionate
society today.
But let us also be realistic. It is true that we may
never be able to create a perfect society, it is true
that we may never be able to eliminate all social
and economical injustices or to provide equality of
opportunities to all the people. But we certainly
can take a few practical steps to make a global society
a little more compassionate, a little more humane.
It is in this spirit that I would like to identify
for you six of those steps which can become reality
if all of you and all the institutions of civil society
all around the world organize themselves and create
a pressure for these changes.
step: In a compassionate society no newborn
child should be doomed to a short life or to a miserable
one -- merely because the child happens to be born
in the wrong country, or the wrong income class or
to be of the wrong sex. Universalism of life-claims
is the cornerstone of a compassionate society. Equality
of opportunities is it's real foundation, not only
for present generations but for future generations
as well. Now, in order to equate the chances of every
newborn child let us take a simple step.
Let us treat child immunization and primary education
as a birth right of that child -- a right to survive
and a right to be educated. And let us persuade national
governments and international communities to issue
birthright vouchers to every newborn child that guarantees
at least these two investments in their future. The
total cost surprisingly will be very modest. This
education can be provided to every child along with
immunization at the cost of only 3 billion dollars
a year. It can provide a new social contract for our
future generations and it will certainly create a
more compassionate society.
step: A "global compact" was reached in March
1995 at the World Social Summit in Copenhagen -- that
the developing nations will devote at least 20% of
the existing nations budgets and the donors will earmark
20% of the existing aide budgets to five human priority
concerns: the universal basic education, primary health
care for all, safe water drinking for all, adequate
nutrition for severely malnourished children and family
planning services for all willing couples. This was
the famous 2020 compact. It requires no new resources,
only a shifting of priorities in existing budgets.
Such a compact will remove the worst human deprivations
within one decade.
Now, here is a global compact already made. Let us
then insure that it is fully implemented, let us get
organized, let us monitor the progress of each nation
and each donor towards these goals, and let all of
us play a role. Let us embarrass those societies if
they do not reach these goals and keep pressurizing
them -- to make sure this compact that was reached
two years ago is implemented and it will provide a
social safety net for all the poor in the world.
step: a practical way to empower people is
to provide them with micro credits so they can find
self employment, self respect. It empowers them and
unleashes their creative energies. Access to credit
should be regarded as a fundamental human right as
Professor Yunas has so brilliantly and so convincingly
argued. The experience of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
demonstrates that the poor are good savers and good
investors, that they are eminently credit worthy,
and that the banking system should take a chance on
the future creativity and potential of the people
-- and not on their past wealth. So let us set up
this micro credit institutions. That doesn't take
very much to do that and let us set them up in every
country and every community in order to empower people.
step: I believe it is time to establish a new
code of conduct for arms sales to poorer nations.
Today there are many punishments for drug trafficking
and laundering of drug money, but not for arm sales.
Yet arms kill no less uncertainly than do drugs. Why
are generous export subsidies given by rich nations
to their arms exporters. Why your money, your tax
money is used to export death and destruction to poor
Oscar Arias, who is a co-chair the State of the World
Forum and Former President of Costa Rica and a Nobel
Peace Prize winner, has developed a sensible code
of conduct for arms sales -- proposing a ban on arms
sales to authoritarian regimes, to potential trouble
spots, to the poorest nations. And this code of conduct
has the support of many Nobel Peace Prize winners.
He collected together about 15 of them. Yet the reality
is that Oscar Arias has not been able to find a single
member of the UN General Assembly, not a single member
to sponsor such a code of conduct for arms sales.
Why are you seated so quietly? Why cannot we organize
public pressure for sponsorship of such a code of
conduct which is a responsible code of conduct for
arms sales. And let us go further, let us persuade
the rich nations to suspend, to abolish, to eliminate
the export subsidies for arms sales to the poorer
nations -- in fact this is your public tax money.
Why shouldn't you ensure that it is not used for causes
that you do not approve. It's no use coming here making
brilliant, eloquent speeches and we are not willing
to organize and take even simple steps. Your public
tax money is being used today to give subsidies to
arms exporters and these subsidies have increased
in the last few years because the rich nations felt
that these arms exporters, sitting in their air conditioned
offices, could not make as much money since defense
budgets were going down in the rich nations. So let
us give them all subsidies to sell arms to the poorer
We must generate pressure to suspend these subsidies.
Persuade the poorer nations whose responsibility it
is to start cutting their existing military expenditure
of 170 billion dollars a year, which they spend every
year on military, let us persuade them to cut it down
by least 5% a year. That alone will be enough to finance
the entire social agenda that needs no foreign aide
if they are willing to face up to the responsibility
themselves and if they are willing to invest in people
rather than in arms. That is what will make it a compassionate
step: let us pledge that global poverty will
be abolished in the 21st century -- much as slavery
was abolished a century ago. Poverty is not inevitable.
As Professor Yunas so eloquently reminded us just
two days ago, poverty degrades human dignity, it does
not belong in a civilized society. It belongs to the
museum of history.
But let us recognize at the same time before we are
carried away by too much emotionalism. Poverty is
not a mere flu, it is a body cancer. It requires determined
economic and political actions in the poor nations:
including redistribution of assets and credits, provision
of adequate social services, particularly education
and health and generation of real, pro-poor growth.
Growth that benefits the poor and does not only increase
national income. It also requires a new model of development,
a model in which we enlarge human choices -- we enrich
human lives and not only increase GNP. Use a model
whose central purpose is the development of people,
for the people, by the people.
And let us remind all nations that abolishing poverty
must become a collective international responsibility,
because human life is not safe in the rich nations
if human despair travels in the poorer nations. Let
us recognize that consequences of global poverty today
travel across national frontiers without a passport
in very ugly forms: in the forms of drugs, in HIV/AIDS,
pollution and terrorism. So you are not safe in the
rich nations if poverty prevails in the other nations
of the world. So let us abolish it.
step: Let us return the United Nations to the
people of the world in whose name it was first created.
That preamble of the United Nations adopted in this
very city; in fact in the Penthouse of this very hotel,
started with the historic eloquent words: We the people.
And yet the UN was highjacked by the governments and
today it's an intergovernmental body where the voice
of people is seldom heard.
Even in international conferences and summits, the
presence of NGOs is token and many dark curtains separate
NGO representatives from real decision-making forum.
The time has come I believe to raise our voices in
favor of at least at two chamber general assembly
in the UN. One chamber nominated by the governments
as the present, with the exalted ambassadors of the
world, but the other chamber elected directly by the
people and by institutions of civil society. And this
will insure that the rights of the people are heard
in all critical issues which affect their future.
Let me conclude. There many steps one can map out
to make our global society more compassionate. I mentioned
only six simple steps because I believe these are
eminently realistic. But let me state quite clearly.
Building a compassionate society is not a technocratic
exercise. It requires solid ethical and moral foundations.
It requires certainly a new way of thinking -- thinking
of ourselves as a human family and not just a collection
of nation states. And it requires a new concept of
humans security which is founded on human dignity
and not on weapons of war.
In the last analysis human security means a child
who did not die, a disease that did not spread, an
ethnic tension that did not explode, a dissident who
was not silenced, a human spirit that was not crashed.
That is human security -- and imperatives of this
human security have today become universal, indivisible
and truly global.
I think it is only appropriate that I should probably
end by quoting the same two poets as the previous
speaker. John Donne summed up the challenge before
us in a simple sentence. He said: "We must love
each other or we must all die", and Robert Frost
summed up the challenge before us when he said: "Two
roads diverged in the woods and I, I took the one
less travel by, and that has made all the difference".
So I hope as I conclude that we will show that courage
and the wisdom to take the road less travel by, as
we build a new compassionate society in the 21st century.