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a solution to global problems

21 February 1997

Newspaper article: The technology exists to move power freely across the grid; regulatory barriers are the only constraint

Dear GENI Friend,

Change is going on all around us. By our nature, most people like the status quo because we get comfortable with what we know. Yet, the constant in today's society seems to be change!

The utility industry is in the midst of a tremendous overhaul. I have received several questions about the subject recently, so it seems that some education may calm any fears you may have. The subject of deregulation (and privatization) is a phenomena that is happening in states and countries around the world — and it will ultimately affect everyone.

There was an excellent point/counterpoint article in the newspaper recently, which is enclosed for your review. With respect to the GENI Initiative, the most incisive statement was the utilities are connected to a grid that allows power to flow freely from one region of the country to another.The technology exists to move power freely across the grid; regulatory barriers are the only constraint. Bucky Fuller explained the problem of bureaucracies and political boundaries in his own unique manner, saying that national boundaries and bureaucratic jurisdictions act as blood clots to the free flow of goods and services. In our case, electrons flow along the corridor (transmission line) of least resistance — and regulation only increased the cost of electricity to everyone. Our challenge is to get 190 world leaders to see the benefits of linking energy systems across their borders with each neighboring state.

So the transition may be confusing, as was the deregulation of the communication business. But the outcome will be more options and cheaper energy services for everyone.

I hope this brief summary helps you with the coming shift. GENI is poised to ride this wave of change — and I want to thank you for helping us accelerate the process. Your contribution enables us to drive this change towards a better world for all.

In partnership for the planet,

 Peter Meisen

Keywords : Newspaper article: The technology exists to move power freely across the grid; regulatory barriers are the only constraint sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy.

GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.
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