solution to global problems
22 August
Bobbi Deporter, Quantum Business. The Learning
Forum and SuperCamp
This month,
I want to introduce you to Bobbi Deporter and her
book Quantum
Business. Bobbi is the President of The
Learning Forum which produces SuperCamp
each year for thousands of students and she
is also a GENI Board member and tremendous advocate
for our initiative.
In the
past, Bobbi helped sponsor the World GameTM
events and promote this project in their company newsletter.
Now in her new book she gives special focus to Buckminster
Fuller's ideas and GENI as well. In the chapter entitled
Makes the Difference , Bobbi gives a brief
history of my story and The GENI Initiative.
willing to do whatever it takes are essential
words to live by if you truly want to change things
on the planet. There's so much inertia in the status
quo. A quote from George Bernard Shaw was sent to
me, that epitomizes the challenge:
men adapt themselves to their environment. Unreasonable
men try to adapt their environment to themselves.
Thus all progress is the result of the efforts of
unreasonable men.
Our goal
is to catalyze the shift to a sustainable energy path
on the planet for the peace, health and prosperity
of all. That's very unreasonable yet critical
for the planet and humanity. Maurice Strong, Chairman
of the Earth Summit stated that industry would be
the prime engine for change in developing environmental
solutions into the next millennium hence Quantum
I've enclosed
few pages from Bobbi's book for your review. If
you would like more, just use the enclosed order form
to get your personal copy. We are honored with Bobbi's
partnership, and her kind words and explanation of
the Energy Grid will be educating people for years
to come. In fact we just received a request from Hong
Kong as a result of this book chapter.
This is
but one example of leveraging this information globally.
I invite you to come up with your own form of participation.
Until war has ended and all children are fed we
have much work to do. Thank you for supporting
an unreasonable project to make the
world work for everyone.
In partnership
for the planet,
Peter Meisen
: Bobbi Deporter, Quantum Business. The Learning Forum
and SupererCamp,sustainable development, global energy
network institute, international electricity transmission,
grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace,
zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy,
infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation,
climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc,
is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed
to improving the quality of life for everyone without
damage to the planet.
GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New
Zealand, Singapore and United States.