When I
read these statements, my emotions soar. They understand
the significance of this project at several levels,
and both speak with conviction for its realization.
The credential of this global strategy has increased
people are your partners! Their endorsement makes
people listen. I experienced this at the Rotary
International Convention last week. As people
read that Walter Cronkite, Desmond Tutu and Boutros
Boutros-Ghali endorse this project -- they immediately
wanted to know what we do and how they might participate.
They offer validity from the very beginning of the
conversation. Share these endorsements with your
business and spiritual leaders, policy-makers and
the media. You can help extend the respect they have
given us.
We would
like to take full advantage of our recent good fortune
-- yet our cash flow is down. In your hands you hold
a tremendous opportunity to accelerate The GENI Initiative
around the world, and to accomplish this we need some
additional funding support now.
is the GENI
Pledge Form and return envelope and I hope
you will consider renewing and/or increasing your
financial support. Monthly donations make a huge difference
in our ability to produce these results. Please consider
a pledge that is equal to your vision for world peace
and prosperity.
In partnership
for the planet,
Peter Meisen
p.s. GENI
has recently become the Global Energy Network Institute
which conducts research, education and advocacy
of The GENI Initiative. It's a slight, but very positive
shift in our name.
: Walter Cronkite and Desmond Tutu Endorse The GENI
Initiative!sustainable development, global energy
network institute, international electricity transmission,
grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace,
zero population growth