Our goal
is to alter the course of an industry. The power industry
builds infrastructure that must last for decades,
and costs billions in investment. It is a conservative
group that changes slowly. Shifting these companies
and financiers is an enormous task.
Sound familiar?
That's the very same introduction from last month.
What's different is our recent participation in the
Energy Conference in Houston, Texas (September
13-17)*. The GENI Exhibit was seen by energy officials
from 90 nations. While each day had many important
meetings, sharing this initiative with George Bush
and Bill Richardson were two highlights. Both men
served as United Nations Ambassadors -- and have global
respect. We will work to secure their endorsement
and funding support.
I have
enclosed two reports to give you a sense of the event.
First, the Houston
Chronicle reported President
Bush's keynote address, stressing the need to
transcend political boundaries.
WEC Chairman John Baker
focussed on the environmental consequences of a world
awash in cheap oil
. Today, all the WEC delegates
are aware of the 2 billion in the world that are totally
unserved by any electrical infrastructure -- the lights
and refrigeration that we take for granted.
In their
final report, the Recommendations
for the Future of Energy
, it is clear that
the traditional sources of energy (coal, oil, gas,
nuclear and large hydro) will remain with us for the
foreseeable future. The enormous investments of capital
and equipment make for slow changes. However, for
the very first time the WEC Exposition had a Renewable
Energy Pavilion with over 50 providers of solar, wind,
geothermal and biomass technologies. You'll see
that Recommendation B encourages the development of
renewable energy resources.
This strategy
is more credible than ever before. Your support made
this happen! Linking renewables around the world
is a real conversation -- and more needed than
ever. Now, we want to push with increased intensity,
and your dedicated contributions make this possible.
In partnership
for the planet,
Peter Meisen
* special
thanks to Joe Falcon, Susan Meredith, Latrell Maples,
Kathleen O'Connell, Jim Cathcart, Doug Gurkin, Nancy
Reddemun and Ron & Catherine McLain for exhibit
: GENI presented to Energy Secretary Bill Richardson
and former President George Bush, Renewable Energy,
solar, wind,geothermal and biomass technologies, environmental
educational programs, peace, zero population growth,
stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality,
free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change,
global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac