solution to global problems
April 29,
News Below the Radar
you really read the fine print in the papers or receive
a special news service, you might be missing some
very significant developments in our world. The focus
of the media is always on the hot topics: the war
on terrorism, Middle East conflict or the latest Hollywood
scandal. At GENI, we pay particular attention to the
progress of renewable energy development and power
grid interconnections.
While presenting
the GENI Initiative at a recent Rotary club, one member
thanked me afterwards for giving her some hope for
the world. She knew nothing about this strategy
and we talked about how the good news is often under
the radar of the mainstream reporting.
here's some good news! The United States has three
interconnected grid networks: the western, eastern
and Texas systems. President Bush stated in his energy
plan the goal of linking these grids together much
like the coast-to-coast intercontinental highway.
This is happening. A new high-voltage direct current
link is being built between the eastern and western
grid networks by engineering giant ABB. This technology
is being used around the world to link asynchronous
systems and cross underwater channels.
And there's
more. The European nations are making strong commitments
to renewable energy development proposing to
double the installed capacity by 2010. Windmills are
sprouting all around Europe and solar thermal installations
(for heating water) are accelerating with tax breaks
for homeowners and businesses.
We are
encouraged by these reports. They validate our work
of 15 years. We are seeing governmental policy
turn into financial incentives and on-the-ground installations.
Lest we become complacent, this is still a David (renewables)
vs. Goliath (fossil/nuclear) battle and the
outcome is still unsure. GENI is focusing on how
we can accelerate this change so that it becomes the
headlines that all can celebrate. With your
assistance, we are working to turn these news
items into a global trend.
In partnership
for the planet
Peter Meisen
Good News Below the Radar ,accelerate change,headlines,celebrate.sustainable
development, global energy network institute, international
electricity transmission, hvdc, hvac
U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to
improving the quality of life for everyone without
damage to the planet.
Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand,
Singapore and United States.