Current Project Opportunities
Below is a list of projects available for interns/volunteers
to undertake. We have also found that many interns or
volunteers come with their own ideas which contribute
greatly to the overall mission of GENI, which is to
say, this is not a definitive list.
- Expand the Renewable
Energy Maps and National
Grid Maps on the GENI website. Upload any
that we don't have or update what we do have.
- How is 100% renewable energy possible by 2020?
Al Gore has called for 100% renewablesby 2020.
Is this possible? This paper from Australia instigated
a series of research projects at GENI: Zero
Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan.
at the papers at http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/research/index.shtml that interns have done to date. The
reports on Chile, Spain, Turkey and Germany are
good models for this research.
focus is on "How
is 100% Renewable Possible..." You want
to start with the assumption that it
is possible,
then report on how it can be done.
- Discuss what renewables are available in the country; some info is available
on our website: http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/library/renewable-energy-resources/index.shtml
- What policies are in place to encourage the use of renewables or what new policies
are needed to boost their development;
- What would be the possible mix of renewables;
- What is the electrical grid infrastructure and
- What needs to be added to bring
the renewable energy to market;
consider the feasibility of interconnecting across borders (including with
underwater cables) with neighboring countries to take advantage of those
efficiencies. Be
sure to read these benefits: http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/donors/benefits/index.shtml
- What would be the savings in carbon emissions and cost of generation compared
to current means;
- What about job creation?
Market the
100% Renewable Reports to world leaders and decision maker in
the appropriate countries.
- Global cross-border
interconnections - Where are the gaps?
Who are the decision makers in those gap-countries?
Focus on marketing the GENI Initiative information
countries in the 'gaps.'
- Make the Business case for cross border trade
of electricity
Most renewable energy conversations focus on meeting
ones domestic needs, taping indigenous resources.
This allows for job creation, keeping energy $$s
within one's own country and not exporting $$ in
the purchase of fuel from outside. However, normally,
some countries don't have sufficient energy 24/7
to meet both base and peak load, while others have
renewables that provide energy beyond their own
needs. The solution is energy trade across borders
between neighbors, which also takes advantage of
the east-west difference in solar and wind generation
throughout the 24 hour cycle. The project is to
build the case, siting examples and cases-in-point,
for this cross-border trade.
- Accelerating renewable energy investment to
meet the growth in global energy needs
Over the last year, the clean energy sector has
seen a bump in growth from $170 to $240 Billion
in investment, which is a significant step forward.
The OECD and IEA have said that energy investment
needs to go to between $7 and $15 Trillion in the
next 15 years to meet global economic growth needs.
The project is to make the case for renewables to
get a major share of those investment dollars. What
if renewables get 20-, 40-, 60-, 80-, or 100%? What
impact would that have on reducing CO2,
creating jobs, decreasing medical costs, etc.? How
does it stay cost competitive; what policy support
is required: fossil fuel energy tax, cap-and-trade,
etc? http://theenergycollective.com/breakthroughinstitut/39304/iea-new-report-says-46-trillion-more-clean-tech-2050
Using GIS, build onto the
layers of Global Resources/Global Issues Visualization
Comparisons: http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/multimedia/index.shtml
We'll need to find open data sources for all the
same nations in the list on the above link.
- Beta test our new Drupal sites (WRSC - www.wrsc.org
and www.geni.org) as they get transferred
to review the work we are doing to put these sites
the new format and apply rank priority and make
sure all tags are added.
- Complete "Global Energy Trends" on the GENI website
in the Library. (Requires Dreamweaver experience
or willingness to learn)
- The world's largest machine - the electric grid
- is old and outdated. Outline the issues involved
in streamlining our transmission regulatory system.
It would fall under our Transmission Policies
here to view an article on the aging US grid.
- How do we open the flood gates of support for
the GENI Initiative?
- Send articles through 400 global media, Energy
Biz, and PR Newswire (costs $$)
- Peter to write articles: "Stop Smoking:
155 New Coal Power Plants Scheduled, The Definition
of Insanity
- We need a global price for carbon. What does
it take to change the economic model of the carbon
industry? Research the pros & cons of various strategies:
carbon tax, cap & trade, carbon credit, carbon auction.
Who are the decision makers in setting this price
on carbon?
- Thirty-five countries currently provide
50% or more of their energy from renewables. Several countries
and states, including Portugal, Spain, Germany,
Denmark, California, Pennsylvania, and Texas, are
becoming leaders in the use of renewables. Using
data gathered by a previous intern, create an interactive
graphic to summarize who they are, what they are
using, what standards and types of incentives they
have set, and also what industries have emerged
and what the impact has been on the economy - jobs,
tax revenues, etc.
- Add contacts in the National Directory of Sustainable
Energy Organizations to our in-house database for
future mailings.
- Research topic: Greening the Church.
If you see an intern project you like or have an idea
of your own, contact
If you have questions or would like to apply to be a Volunteer GENI Researcher, email us at info @ geni.org
or, Please fill out the form below, and we will get in touch with you shortly:
Keywords: Intern, volunteer, interns,
volunteers, interning, volunteering, internship, intern
opportunity, interning at an institution, interning
at an organization, summer internship, summer volunteering,
environmental internship, sustainability internship,
research internship, engineering internship, web assistant
internship, graphic design internship, San Diego.