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Endorsements >> Government >> Armenia



Peter Meisen
Global Energy Network International


Dear Mr. Meisen

I would like to express the full support of the GENI initiative on global integration of electricity grids of countries. Being the member of European Energy Charter, IEAE, CIS power Council and other International Energy organiations, the Republic of Armenia is actively participating in all initiatives concerning enhancing co-operation between countries in energy field, including electricity interconnections.

Here has to be mentioned electricity grids interconnection project concerning the of Black Sea countries, which is under implementation within Black Sea Economic Cooperation, where Armenia is one of the active players.

Armenia is also beneficiary of project within CIS Power Council Initiative concerning electricity grids integration of member countries as will as of project concerning Souther Caucasus and neighboring countries of the region which is carried on within the framework of the USAID program.

We believe that the interconnection of energy grids between countries, with an emphasis on clean energy development can promote the peace and sustainable development of coutnries economy.

The Ministry of Energy is ready to provide full support for realization of GENI initiative.


Sincerely yours,

A. Galstian
Deputy Minister

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