International Languages

Endorsements From
State of the World Forum

Your initiative on the World Wide Web of Electricity is commendable and your efforts are in tandem with the World Business Council

Mohammed Hasan, Chairman, Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development

Excellent idea. Please continue implementing it. Becoming inter-dependent on each other will force us to resolve conflicts in a non-violent way.

Sergio Lub, President, Sergio Lub Jewelry

The program for a World Energy Grid deserves the attention and full support of individuals and groups throughout the globe concerned with creating a culture of peace based on genuine sustainable development. It's a practical vision and significant contribution to the movement for a just world order.

Dr. Saul Mendlovitz, Dag Hammarskjold Professor of Peace at Rutgers University

Dr. Arias supports your efforts and your initiative.

Dr. Oscar Arias, Fundacion Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano

I like your concept and could imagine its importance for Republic Island (cheap electricity)

Peter Hesse, Honorarkonsul, Republic Island

The more reasons that exist for people and nations to benefit from shared resources, shared development and shared planning, the greater the scope for reduction in the confrontation mode of behaviour which exists too widely, and its replacement with consensus seeking which exists too rarely.

Hans Eisen, Mng. Director, SNEG Nominess Pty Ltd

Peter Meisen With Vicente Fox

We are absolutely in agreement with this initiative and we want to let you know that we will be supporting all works that you develop in this relation.

Vicente Fox, Governor of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico

Keep up your good work. We must not allow nuclear energy to become the energy of choice for developing (or developed) countries.

David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

We endorse the GENI Initiative. Let's ensure this is one of the great public works projects for the next millennium!

Kirk Bergstrom, President, WORLDLINK

Please accept my support for your initiative of a Global Energy Network.

Mairead Maguire, Peace People

Sometimes what seems like an impossible problem or set of problems can be solved by a simple, obvious solution; and everyone says: "Why didn't I think of that?" I believe GENI's initiative to interconnect renewable energy resources around the world might be the most important step towards creating a cooperative global society.

Steve Donovan, Trustee, State of the World Forum

These areas deserve top priority around the world and I support the GENI Initiative warmly.

Dr. Karan Singh, People's Commission for Environment and Development (India)

Energy is now wasted. New technology and available energy can, for the first time in the history of the world, provide opportunity and challenge to everyone, my definition of utopia; so if we can put the lives of people before politics, than the GENI approach of shared energy is viable and necessary.

Martin Alpert, President of Universal Empowering Technologies

GENI is a very interesting and attractive idea....Certainly this kind of binding links between peoples and states will have a great stabilizing effect on international stage.

Victor Kuvaldin, The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev Foundation)

The peace process in the Middle East is moving forward and it is on the right track. The process of linking power among states in the region is going to have a tremendous economic impact on the economies of the concerned countries. Your contributions in the education and research areas is highly viewed and I wish you all the success in that direction.

Bader A. Al-Rushaid Al-Bader Chairman and Managing Director. Kuwait Investment Company

I have studied your proposals to utilize renewable energy in a more socially equitable and ecologically responsible fashion than the current mannor in which energy is utilized. I believe firmly that economic initiatives that promote cooperation rather than unmitigated competition amongst states is one of the fastest routes to addressing the urgent need to create an atmosphere of cooperation to deal with the global threats to human security the world faces today.
Reliance on depletable energy resources and energy systems that produce excessively toxic waste products is irresponsible and yet there seem to be so few alternatives discussed in public dialogue. For that reason, GENI is an important alternative.

Jonathon G. Granoff, Chairman of Lawyers Alliance for World Security

We need to connect people at every level, and we need to do it with all our hearts, and every fibre of our will. Your project is a wonderful example of this understanding — and approach.

Susan Collin Marks, Vice President, Search for Common Ground

    I support the ongoing education and research by GENI towards connecting inter-regional and international electric energy networks, emphasizing the use of local and remote renewable energy resources. I heartily endorse the benefits that are demonstrated in similar projects around the world:

  • universal inrease in living standards
  • reduction in atmospheric pollution
  • reduction in hunger and poverty
  • enhancement of world trade
  • promotion of cooperation and peace

Pietikainen Sirpa, Member of Parliament, Finland

Twyla Dell, President, Foresight Institute

Glenn C. Janns, Executive Chairman, Idaho Nature Conservancy

Mark Dubois, World Wise

Martin Palmer, Director, International Consultancy on Religion, Education and Culture, Manchester Metro. Univ.

Robert Schleip, Director, International Communication Initiatives

Senator Alan Cranston, Chair, State of the World Forum
