In the wake of UNCED we have received many articles on the issue of sustainable development.
In this issue of "Abstracts" we summarize articles on different aspects of the environment issue from
readers and members living in Mauritius, Ghana, Europe, and North America.
International Cooperation for Renewable Energy Transfer
Michael Hesse Wolfe, International Energy Planning Consultant, Berkeley, California
Large-scale conversion, transfer and utilization of renewable energy offers a suitable strategy to
counter environmental problems caused by combustion of fossil fuels. Michael Hesse Wolfe argues that several
conditions are necessary for future development of renewable energy; these being: the extent of concern
for the global environment, the economy of energy conversion and transfer, and a viable development
strategy to implement a series of regional economic-environmental compacts. International cooperation to arrange these
compacts would be essential as the remote location of concentrations of renewable energy resources requires
that high-voltage transmission systems be used o deliver electrical energy over very long distances to regional
demand centres. This would involve the interests of countries having substantial renewable energy resources,
countries on the transmission corridor route, and potential energy purchasing nations that would be
prepared to utilize renewable energy to displace equivalent energy generation with fossil fuels, consistent with
overall economic operation and system reliability. OECD nations would be the principal recipients of
His article seeks to show that sufficient regard for global environmental security would provide an
imperative for development of renewable energy on a massive scale. Major regional renewable energy generation
sources such as large unit capacity hydro stations, would enable economies of scale with high efficiency
energy conversion. This would compensate for large losses in the transmission system, to enable economic
delivery of energy from remote sources to distant demand centres. Regional energy transfer would be
possible in The Americas, between Africa and Europe, and within Austral-Asia and the pacific.
He goes on to show that technical and economic considerations favor HVDC transmission for delivery of energy over
very long distances. Study of a potential HVDC link between the Inga hydropower complex in Zaire and Europe
over a seven thousand km route, indicates that energy could be delivered at a rate significantly below the
cost of alternative fossil generation. If this differential were to be regarded as the price of environmentally
benign energy, and buyers would be prepared to pay the equivalent of fossil generated energy, an "environmental
surcharge" applied to delivered energy, would generate considerable revenue that could be used via an African
Development Fund for social programs such as education, health and village development, including micro-energy
and mini-hydro projects. It could provide a definite model for similar arrangements in other regions of
the world.
To provide appropriate organizational strength to implement such large-scale energy generation and transmission
projects involving a number of participating nations, it is proposed that a new international agency be
responsible for development of major renewable energy resources for export to OECD nations. This agency,
preferably in the United Nations Organization, could play a valid intermediary role between the various
participants to regional agreements involving energy transfer. The World Bank and regional banks could
buy-down existing country debt to include as local currency investment funds for project elements. Political
compacts, with economic-environment-development provisions, would include the direct benefits to developing nations
of immediate debt relief and long-term revenue flow based on renewable energy export. He concludes that
these compacts would provide an equivalent benefit to energy importing nations of a reliable source of
environmentally benign energy at a cost equivalent to generation from fossil sources. This would be a
prime example of the positive results of international cooperation. Due to a recent enlightened decision
by the energy and environment ministers of the European Community (EC), to agree in principle to impose an
energy tax on the future combustion of fossil fuels, a logical beginning to the establishment of regional
compacts around the glove would embrace the Zaire-Europe HVDC interconnection between Grand Inga and delivery
terminals in Spain and Italy, interconnected to EC systems.
