State Governors Schwarzenegger
(California) and Richardson (New Mexico) hosted their colleagues at the
recent U.S. Western Governors Association, and pledged to create new policies
for clean energy development. They stated that "clean, renewable
energy and energy efficiency technologies are poised for broad success
in the American West." They project an additional 30,000MW of
clean energy by 2015, and pledge to increase end-use efficiency by 20%
by 2020.
You may recall that several
years ago, GENI worked closely with (then) US Secretary of Energy Richardson
as he hosted three summits with fellow energy ministers from Latin America,
Africa, and Asia. The final communique after each summit called for increasing
cooperation in energy trade (i.e. the interconnection of electric grids)
and accelerating renewable energy resources on each continent.
However, two global associations
report the current reality of our planet: the World
Energy Council and the US
Energy Information Agency. Both report that for the foreseeable future,
the world will be dominated by oil for transportation, and coal for power
production causing CO2 concentrations to increase above
their already historic high levels.
we don't change the direction we are going,
we're likely to end up where we are headed"
I hope you'll appreciate the dichotomy of these two perspectives. On
the "clean" energy side are people who are pushing renewables
as fast as they can. From the "world as it is" group comes solid
statistics of our fossil-driven economy and the inertia of this industry
towards change. Your support of the GENI Initiative brings these two worlds
closer together for the benefit of all.
Please vote
with your dollars by contributing to the sustainability of our planet.