You've probably noticed a growing awareness and reporting on the renewable
energy (RE) industry during the past year. There have been numerous magazine
cover stories, technology reports on new breakthroughs and financial news
on major corporations launching renewable divisions. With all of this,
you would think that RE market share was gaining ground on the fossil/nuclear
Yes, solar and wind are growing at 20-30% per year, and the RE sector
(including geothermal, biomass, small hydro) is the fastest growing energy
sector by percentage. Yet, these new renewables comprise less than 2%
of global energy production! What's stunning is that they could collectively
generate all the electrical needs of the planet many times over.
In our research, we found that the quickest way to accelerate this
transition was through progressive policy making by local, state and federal
leaders. When governments create incentives, tax breaks, portfolio
standards they give new industries a boost to get established in
the market. GENI has compiled these best practices from around the world,
and recently sent them to the President, Prime Minister, UN Ambassador,
Foreign Minister and Energy Minister of every nation.
The response has been heartening. Without solicitation, we received dozens
of letters from these national leaders expressing thanks and interest
in pursuing these policies. I've enclosed the cover page of this report
and several comments we=
ve received (Philippines,
You'll be receiving the compete document in GENI's forthcoming newsletter
but for now you can review these Best Policies on our web site
and click on Policy