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The GENI-us Letter

World Energy Conference next month in Australia
Life Cycle Analysis Favors Renewables

Dear GENI Friend,

Every three years the World Energy Council (WEC) hosts the leading energy companies and most of the Energy Ministers from around the world at the World Energy Conference. The WEC has proposed a critical agenda: "Delivering Sustainability; Opportunities and Challenges for the Energy Industry." 5000 delegates gather from all continents to address the core energy and environmental issues of today.

When we first attended the WEC in 1992, renewable energy was barely mentioned and global climate change was given minor attention. Today, renewable energy has become a significant provider as every nation copes with it's own greenhouse gas consequences and strategy.

Leading to the WEC, renewables get high marks in the study: "Comparison of Energy Systems Using Life Cycle Analysis" The goal was to determine the environmental impacts of each energy resource from all stages of the chain: mining, transport, processing, energy generation, recycling and disposal. The results provide a stark difference: life cycle CO2 output from renewables and nuclear is significantly less than energy generated from fossil fuels. The report concluded that 'politics will decide' if environmental impacts will be incorporated into economic decisions.

If we hope to meet the growing energy demands of the future in a sustainable manner, renewables are key. We will be distributing our latest report "Best Renewable Energy Policies from Around the World." This is GENI's message as we meet with delegates at the WEC.

The World Energy Conference is our highest leverage event — meeting face to face with ministers and utility executives from around the world. It's also our most expensive conference, with a exhibition fee of $5,000 — and we seek your support again. Please consider a extra contribution this month as it makes a real difference in delivering on our promise.

Please vote with your dollars by contributing to the sustainability of our planet.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


p.s. All contributions towards the GENI exhibit at the World Energy Conference will be acknowledged in our exhibit and follow-up report.

P.S. The 2004 Matching Grant Program from our GENI Board is continuing, so all new contributions will be doubled! Call or e-mail for details.

p.s. The Buckminster Fuller Commemorative Stamp is available at U.S. Post Offices for the next few months (until it sells out). We encourage you to buy and use them with all your letters this year.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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