Filling your gas tank has become a shocking experience for us all. Our
addiction to oil extends to every sector of the economy, so costs are
also rising for industry, agriculture and housing. The experts will point
to supply interruptions in Nigeria, Russia and Iraq, plus growing demand
in China and India. Economists state that 9 of the last 10 recessions
were preceded by high oil prices.
Other expert opine that
the world has reached our peak oil period where
oil production will forever diminish from our present extraction rates.
Qualified people will certainly disagree, stating enormous proven reserves
remain for decades. Yet, all agree that we're not making any more of this
precious fossil fuel which has utility far beyond gasoline for
our cars. Petroleum is essential for manufacturing plastics, fertilizers,
chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Our lifestyle takes these for granted.
Can you imagine the financial
impact on a developing nation of $50 oil? Are we fated to resource wars
in coming decades just to keep driving our SUVs? Must the Titanic sink
again, even though we see the iceberg dead ahead? Buckminster Fuller said
that society often needs a breakdown before we change
emergence through emergency. We need a new path, and bold action now.
For many years Lester Brown
has been providing thoughtful solutions to many of our planet's ills.
The attached article, The
Short Path to Oil Independence , offers an aggressive plan
to make the transition. Using grid connected wind energy and a hybrid
engine for transportation, he shows how to simultaneously expand the economy
and protect our environment. That's our message too, and
we ask you to share it with your family, colleagues and government officials.
(Use the "Tell your friends about this page." feature
at the bottom of the article.)
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