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The GENI-us Letter

New Zealand and United Arab Emirates agree:
the Grid is the Key Link to Renewables

Dear GENI Friend,

There are few similarities between New Zealand (NZ) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The first being a nation of two islands, soaring mountains and extensive annual rainfall. By comparison, the UAE borders on the Persian Gulf, has sweeping deserts and remains dry most of the year. The political systems and cultures are as different as night and day.

Yet, both countries have similar advocates and plans for energy development. Most "Kiwis" live on the north island, while most of the NZ energy resources lie on the south island. For many years, the solution has been a high-voltage transmission network delivering hydropower and geothermal energy from Queenstown to Auckland across the Cook Strait. This remains a perfect island state model for the GENI Initiative around the world.

On the other hand, the UAE has been an isolated Arab nation for years, using oil and gas to fire its energy requirements. Now after a decade of planning, the UAE will finally interconnect their power grid with that of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States Coordinating Council. Just as important, the UAE recently opened its first wind farm. They are also opening a massive solar cell production plant in a region that is perfectly suited for solar electric and hot water production.

Our world is wonderfully diverse in culture, geography and political style. Yet, grid technology and its benefits are helping to tie us together in mutually interdependent solutions. As the NZ expert stated, "The grid is like the road" B and it's essential if you want to tap abundant renewable energy resources in remote locations and deliver clean energy to all people.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


p.s. This is the message we are sending to the United Nations Ambassadors and country delegations to the upcoming "Millennium Summit +5" review in Sept 2005. We have interns working right now to help us get our Initiative on their agenda.

What will you do?

The Matching Grant Program from our GENI Board is continuing, so all new contributions will be doubled! Call or e-mail for details.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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