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The GENI-us Letter

Electricity is essential for development
— and the United Nations agree

Dear GENI Friend,

Next month, the United Nations will reconvene to assess progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set in 2000. These eight goals are about ending hunger and poverty, educating women and children, providing health care — and doing it sustainably. It's a tall task.

GENI has researched the impact that electricity has on a developing society. Our findings indicate significant change for a rural family and village. Even small amounts of power will pump and filter water, provide refrigeration of food and medicines, light the schoolhouse and health clinic. Our study found that just 500 kilowatt-hours per year can elevate a family out of basic poverty.

We think that many of the MDG can be attained by addressing the energy needs of a region — with special emphasis on using local renewable energy resources. This month, we are contacting all 190 UN member states with this proposal, asking them to make it a priority. (See attached letter.)

Just days ago, the UN Development Program Officer-in-Charge concurred with the attached report:

The Energy Challenge: Acute energy problems block progress on MDG, with 2.4 billion people lacking fuel, and 1.6 billion without electricity.

While we live in comfort and style, only 8% of Africans have electricity in their homes. The report highlights a UN project in rural Mali, West Africa, where basic energy services are greatly improving their quality of life. Can you imagine walking 4 miles every day for all your water needs?

The upcoming MDG summit in New York is an opportunity to lift the lives of millions. Please share this report with your local editors, and ask them to cover the Millennium Assessment Summit. See: http://esa.un.org/un-energy/ We are lucky. We were born in the developed world. Those less fortunate deserve our assistance and support.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen



Letter from Luis Gomez-Echeverri
Letter from Peter Meisen
Press Release DEV/2529

p.s. We highly recommend Jeffery Sachs' book, "The End of Poverty."

p.p.s. The Matching Grant Program from our GENI Board is continuing, so all new contributions will be doubled! Call or e-mail for details.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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