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The GENI-us Letter

The renewable energy transition — achieving first–world growth and the Millennium Development Goals

Dear GENI Friend,

Nothing focuses the mind better than high gasoline prices and damaging hurricanes. As energy demand grows globally, the coming winter is projected to hit everyone= s wallet. In the near term, there is going to be some pain. But the longer term is showing signs of hope.

Here is an article from EnergyBiz Insider A Clean Energy gets Green Light.@ Ken Silverstein offers an excellent summary of the renewable energy story over the past couple decades. While solar, wind, geothermal and biomass comprise a nominal 2% of market supply B these same resources are now expanding at double-digit rates, with costs that are nearly competitive with traditional fossil fuels. There are two prime drivers of this trend:

  • state renewable portfolio standards and
  • corporate/industrial commitments to purchase green energy.

Sustainable development at the other extreme involves energy services for 1.6 billion unserved people around the world. Small villagers need the basics: running water, lighting and refrigeration of food and medicines. Small scale renewables can now enable these necessities and leapfrog the fossil fuel trap. The Worldwatch Institute prepared an outstanding report "Energy for Development: The Potential Role of Renewable Energy in Meeting the Millennium Development Goals". Enclosed are two excellent tables from the on-line report found at: www.ren21.net

Linking renewables is already mainstream in many nations: Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Brazil. The United States has the renewable resource and technical know-how to become a leader to the world to the rest of the world. There is still a mountain to climb if we expect to mitigate the effects of climate change. Acceleration is what= s needed. GENI pledges to push this strategy to the leadership of every nation. Thank you for your on-going support of GENI, and I invite you to pledge your support once again.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


p.s. The Matching Grant Program from our GENI Board is continuing, so all new contributions will be doubled! Call or e-mail for details.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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