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The GENI-us Letter

Global Maps of Renewable Energy Potential
Cross-Border Electric Grids act as Peace Highways

Dear GENI Friend,

Ask a simple question — where are all the renewable energy resource maps of the world? Thus began an in-depth research project for Kerstin Damerau, our geography intern from Germany. If we are going to deal with climate change, it's critical to know where your renewable energy is located.

We are proud to announce that GENI now has the largest collection of Renewable Energy Resource Maps on the web. These maps are categorized by resource: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, ocean and biomass for each world region. There is a corresponding set of recent articles that give credence to the growing renewable sector on every continent. Taken together, these Renewable Resource Maps clearly show abundant clean energy potential exists on every continent — if we choose that path.

For years, GENI has featured the idea that cross-border power networks are a force for peace between nations. Retired newsman Walter Cronkite offered his powerful endorsement, stating:

"The GENI Initiative offers the most thoughtful strategy
toward peace and sustainable development that I have seen."

Here is another credible article entitled: "Global electric 'power highways' could become a force for peace," as published in the on-line magazine Power Engineer (engineerlive.com). Interconnected systems that trade electrical energy are mutually beneficial to both buyer and seller.

Neighbor helping neighbor is how we like to live in our communities. Energy interdependency between nations is a political and economic form of neighbor helping neighbor — that fosters trade, cooperation and peace. The GENI Initiative is being embraced around the world. Now the challenge is to accelerate the process so that renewable energy becomes the dominant energy resource for our world.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


p.s. We have a new home page at www.geni.org The other GENI pages will transition soon.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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