What seemed impossible a decade ago is rapidly becoming the norm. For
years, GENI has been prodding the energy providers of the Far East to
integrate their electric grids for mutual benefit. Given the nations involved,
this seemed like a great idea with no one listening.
Cooperation between these nations is now usurping the old competitive,
militaristic model. Electricity underpins our modern society, and the
interconnection of grids across borders builds a 24/7 trade relationship
that is mutually beneficial. As you can see in the attached reports,
Russia is pursuing electrical exchanges with both China
and the
two Koreas. For over a decade, GENI has worked with engineers Lev
Belyaev and Nikolai Voropai at the Irkutsk Siberian Energy Institute to
drive these projects from plans to actual projects. The credit goes to
the engineers, plus energy and foreign ministries on all sides.
The second most populated world region is the Indian subcontinent, which
is experiencing tremendous economic growth amid widespread poverty. To
meet both these challenges, GENI's goal is to encourage all nations to
accelerate their renewable energy sectors. India is the only nation to
have a dedicated Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. With research by
Eleonore Queneudec, GENI published an Overview
of the Renewable Energy Potential of India (1.3MB .pdf download).
The key finding: India has sufficient renewable energy resource potential
to meet all domestic electrical needs.
The daily news we read and see can often mask these positive trends.
We are encouraged with this progress. Cooperative behavior is a solution
to so many of the world's ills in our homes, communities and between
Happy Holidays