The UN Foundation, founded by Ted Turner, contributes
$100 million annually to the United Nations.
Energy and climate change are a prime focus
of this organization, which recently authored
a report "Change
the Rules, Change the Future"
Led by former Senator Timothy Wirth, the respected
authors make the case for modernizing the electric
power grid to increase efficiency and better
access to clean energy (renewable) resources.
It states, "A modern grid will be able
to manage intermittent power flows from renewable
energy resources and give producers from
farmers with wind turbines in their fields or
homeowners with solar panels on their roofs
to large solar farms in the desert a
better opportunity to sell electricity back
to the grid. Instead of relying only on a few,
traditional power plants, utilities will be
able to get electricity from a network of clean
power plant providers, which would not only
make clean energy more widely available to customers,
but also make the energy supply more stable
and secure." In a nutshell, this is
the GENI Initiative.
In another respected publication, the Economist
magazine featured a story on power transmission:
the wind blows a grandiose plan to link
Europe's electricity grids may recast wind power
from it's current role as a walk-on extra to
being the star of the show" It
highlights the combined benefits of an AC -
DC (direct current) grid, enabling long distance
transmission of high voltage power from abundant,
yet remote windy areas.
As you'll see at the end of the Economist
article, GENI is also cited for our vision
and efforts to link high capacity solar, geothermal
and wind from sites in the Sahara desert, South
America and Siberia. This is the same message
we are taking to the World
Energy Conference (WEC) in Rome in four
months. The world is crying out for clean
energy solutions to climate change and
it's right in front of us. The WEC is our biggest
expense every 3 years. Can you help sponsor
our exhibit?
In partnership for the planet,