As the world becomes more committed to green energy and clean technology, GENI has benefitted from some bright, young interns from around world. They see the need to change the way we supply and use energy, and want to learn and make a difference as they prepare for their careers.
GENI currently has 20 interns and volunteers from India, Taiwan, Pakistan, France and several local universities. They do focused research, international marketing, IT/web development, office support and a range of special projects under development. While I can't cover them all today, I'd like to feature two new reports for your review and distribution.
From Turkey, Irem Akin was interested in the work of the United Nations and its year 2000 pledge to reduce poverty through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs aim to reduce 8 key poverty indicators in half by 2015. The results so far are mixed in Africa and Southeast Asia. Irem's study makes a convincing case that Access to Clean Electricity will accelerate the achievement of these goals. In essence, clean electricity will enable better health care of women and children, provide cleaner water, reduce pollution and enhance education and communication.
Trevor Erberich brought an interest in Native Americans and how they might benefit from this new green economy. While Tribes were often put on "marginal lands" when Reservations were originally formed, today these lands offer huge untapped solar and wind resource potential. Trevor's report revealed that renewable energy development could provide jobs, economic growth, and at the same time generate income from the sale of clean electricity to the utility grid. It is estimated that the wind potential on Tribal lands could supply 20% of the total U.S. demand.
We invite you to share these important reports with your colleagues, and then ask them to do the same. These reports provide a road map to a more sustainable future for all. We can all be hopeful when smart, young people are working to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges. Your continued support enables us to host, train and send them out into the world.
In partnership for the planet,