Since 1992, GENI has taken our message to the World Energy Congress (WEC) every three years — the energy industry does not change quickly! Back then we handed out written reports and brochures. This year at the WEC in Montreal, Sept 12-16, we’ll be featuring the most current on-line resources, maps, expert support for GENI’s strategy: link electric grids between nations and tap abundant renewable resources in each region. Do this first to meet the expanding demand of nearly 7 billion people.
The GENI exhibit (#1623) will be seen by several thousand energy officials: ministers, utility executives, engineering firms and oil companies. They do not act in concert — yet the issues of peak oil, climate change and nuclear proliferation require international cooperation. You can follow our impact with daily reports from Montreal by Registering for our “Free Newsletter” at
Also in September, GENI is hosting a month-long demonstration of the World Resources Simulation Center in San Diego, Sept. 7 - 30. We are focusing on two critical issues that are important to all regions: ”Energy and Water in Southern California: Moving to Sustainability”
We will deeply examine the trends, projections, GIS visualizations, scenarios and options of these two complex and interconnected issues. We are honored by our co-hosts: San Diego State Univ. VizLab, SDSU Geography Dept., California Center for Sustainable Energy and our venue being the New School of Architecture and Design.
We invite you to join us and share this invitation with your colleagues. Because energy and water have demographic and policy drivers with implications at the global, national and regional levels, we will visualize the supply/demand projections and cost/benefits of various options and prioritize solutions for our business leaders and policy-makers. Our goal is to accelerate the best options into existence.
In partnership for the planet, |