What if you were sitting on
the richest energy resource in the world? One that will never run out, cause
minimal environmental impact, put people to work, and provide export income?
oil-rich Arab states of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) could meet all
their own needs and those of Europe from their daily solar energy radiation.
Instead of pumping petroleum at a rate of 32 million barrels a day, the MENA
nations could retain much of their oil reserves for much higher value-added
products like chemicals, fertilizer and plastics.
and wind potential in MENA nations exported via the developing Supergrid. |
The Sahara and Arabian Deserts have more sunny days
than any region in the world. Energy
experts in the Arab nations recently met in Jordan to discuss this untapped
While many are blessed with
oil reserves, several MENA nations are actually oil importers and could reverse
this trend by developing their solar energy potential.
The Desertec Industrial Initiative is developing its first solar complex in
Morocco, with the energy transmitted via the high-voltage cable across the
Gibraltar Strait to Spain. These energy projects require large investments,
international cooperation and tremendous patience. The more trade in
electricity, the more peace and cooperation between nations. We encourage
you to support these Arab initiatives into clean energy.
proudly share this with you, as your financial support makes our work
In partnership for the