S e p t e m b e r  2 0 1 2 — Volume 20, Issue 9
The GENI-us Letter

Wind Resources Could Power All The World’s Needs

Dear GENI Friend,

Three decades ago, wind turbines were rated by kilowatt (kw) capacity and advocates were seen as New Age Don Quixotes.  As seen in this photo, today’s turbines are 100 meters tall and rated at 3-10 Megawatts capacity.  This is utility scale power, and wind farms are being developed on every continent – onshore and offshore.

offshore wind turbinesglobal wind power capacity growth

China, the United States, Germany, Spain and India have led the development – as the industry has tripled in the last 5 years.  Bigger turbines have reduced the cost/kw-hour, which has become competitive with natural gas.

Now we have two scientific studies that state that the wind resource potential is 10-20 times what’s needed to power the world’s total electrical requirement.  High and low pressure around our planet means the wind is always blowing somewhere.  These turbines are linked via high-voltage transmission to cities and industry.

Your voice is essential. While renewable energy is the fastest growing resource today, wind farm development still requires political support and massive upfront investment.  What’s unique to this green economy is that every nation can develop their own renewable resources, create domestic jobs and reduce carbon emissions.  That’s a win-win-win.     

In partnership for the planet,

Peter MeisenGENI's 25th Anniversary Seal.jpg
Peter Meisen


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Updated: 2012/02/09

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