D e c e m b e r  2 0 1 2 — Volume 20, Issue 12
The GENI-us Letter

Powering Up Asia's Super-Grid:
Linking Renewables Is The Answer

Dear GENI Friend,

There have been many troubling reports this year on record-breaking heat, climate change fueled storms and new fossil fuel extraction technologies.  But the news is not all bad! We want to share some promising news to complete this year.  There are many business people and investors working solve our most pressing challenges.


Out of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, there's a concerted effort in Japan to develop their renewable energy resources.  The Japan Renewable Energy Foundation was formed in 2011 to push this clean energy agenda. The government has initiated an aggressive Feed-in Tariff modeled after the successful German incentive program, rewarding solar and wind developers with a premium price.

Now, the Asia Times reports on some visionary developers who are pushing the Asia Super-Grid to tap the abundant wind in Mongolia and solar of the Gobi Desert – transmitting that power to the load centers in China, South Korea and Japan.

GENI has recently reported that both China and Japan are blessed with clean energy resources – which you can view and share: "The Renewable Energy Potential of China" and "How is 100% Renewable Energy Possible for Japan by 2020?"   Both are on our GENI Library-Research page: www.geni.org/globalenergy/research/

The Asia Super-Grid will foster trade and cooperation across the entire region – which author John Mathews calls a "clean-tech paradigm", reducing territorial tensions and the potential for disputes.  We agree.

We encourage you to share this initiative with colleagues, media and your national leaders.  We are seeing positive results, policies, and projects on all continents.  Is it fast enough?  No.  We ask your help in accelerating the process. That’s our commitment.  Please consider a year-end pledge that will help us drive this new paradigm faster. Your monthly support is the fuel that makes the difference.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter MeisenGENI's 25th Anniversary Seal.jpg
Peter Meisen


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Updated: 2012/12/19

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