S e p t e m b e r   2 0 1 5 — Volume 23, Issue 09

GENI-us Letter 2015-09

GENI's TrimTab 2015 CampaignWe Need You!

Dear GENI Friend,

We need your help.  For over 25 years we have driven the strategy to link renewable energy resources around the world – the highest priority objective of the World Game™ simulation from Bucky Fuller.

Call Me Trimtab, quote by R Buckminster FullerWe opened the prototype World Resources Simulation Center (SIMCenter). This is Bucky's vision to visualize sustainable solutions to global and local problems so we make informed choices quicker.

The high-voltage interconnection between nations and renewable energy development has reached critical mass – it's an unstoppable development. Unfortunately, the speed and scale is too slow given the rate of economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions.

For myself, I am fearful for the world we are leaving our kids and grandkids.

Trimtab 2015 Campaign - Program ActivitiesI am asking for your support of our TrimTab 2015 Campaign – to make a big difference with every dollar. Bucky Fuller said we can all be 'trimtabs,' by applying the right pressure we can make big changes. We have featured six current programs at GENI and the SIMCenter that reach around the world, and can be replicated in every city. We don't have time to wait any more. 

We are seeking Investment Level support: $10k – $50k.  Consider making a Legacy Gift that will sustain this work... or a Monthly Contribution that's appropriate for your budget. That's the support that sustains GENI to do this work year after year.

Your voice and your contribution matter! 

In Partnership for the Planet,

Peter MeisenGENI's 25th Anniversary Seal -- 1987-2012
Peter Meisen President

P.S. Our TrimTab 2015 Campaign goal is $300,000 -- Your financial support today to fund 6 core projects accelerates this vision. Your sponsorship and investor-level contribution of $10K, $25K, or $100K leverages our activities for the world. If you have a stock, real estate or corporate gift, please contact us directly so that we may assist you.

P.P.S. Review each of our projects, and Register your interest and ideas:

We invite your support of our work. It’s easy with our secure Support page.

Home Page

Updated: 2014/03/22

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