I grew up in a Rotary family. My dad was a life-long
Rotarian. Rotary is the largest global service organization, with 1.2 million
members and 34,000 local clubs in 200 countries. Their motto of "service
above self" is demonstrated by thousands of local and international
The Rancho Bernardo Sunrise Rotary (San Diego, CA) embraced the GENI
Initiative 12 years ago, supporting our exhibit at numerous Rotary
International (RI) Conventions since 2000.
Rotary Conventions are similar to a United Nations for
business people. Leaders convene for fellowship, sharing community projects,
and building peaceful relationships among all nations.
In January, 2016, the Rotary World Peace Conference is in Ontario,
California. I am honored to be invited to speak on the GENI Initiative and its
potential for peace between nations and for the world.
It's a simple argument – the more you trade electricity with
your neighbor, the economic benefits are so great that you don't want to shoot
your customer or supplier!
Meisen at GENI Exhibit in 2014
Newsman Walter Cronkite called the GENI strategy to link renewable
energy resources between nations "the most thoughtful strategy
towards peace and sustainable development I have seen."
Barbara Gaughen-Muller interviewed me as lead up to the Peace
Conference. You can listen to that conversation: http://www.peaceconference2016.org/peter-meisen
We close by remembering our GENI Board member who passed
away this month. Dr. Janathin Miller was a force of nature with a huge heart
and a passion for making a difference. We have attached a Tribute to our
friend. She will be missed.
In Partnership for the Planet, |