We communicate monthly with you and many leaders from around
the world. U.S. President Barack Obama responded last month to our call to
accelerate renewable energy resources, domestically and in all nations. Yes,
it's a stock letter regarding his climate and energy policies – but his
administration clearly has an aggressive commitment to foster sustainability.
There are three critical nations that must lead this transition: China, India and the United States. China's fastest
growing energy sources are now wind and solar. India's Prime Minister is
pushing his solar energy revolution for the millions of citizens with no power.
President Obama expresses his resolve on this issue, "Our
generation has the unique responsibility to act on this issue with the urgency
it demands while we still have time."
To accelerate our work, we embraced another Buckminster
Fuller project: the World Resources Simulation Center (www.WRSC.org). Our prototype in San Diego has
proven the value of immersive visualization and collaborative problem solving... and it's a cool place to work, learn and network.
The GENI Initiative has changed our world, and
we must move faster. SIMCenter Silicon Valley is a tool that helps us visualize
global and local problems so we can make informed choices quicker.
In Partnership for the Planet, |