The Paris Climate Summit was a breakthrough with 195 nations
signing the pledge to collectively cap global warming at 2oC increase.
Globally we have already added 1oC since the 1990 baseline. Each
signer must now deliver a National Roadmap. This requires a revolutionary
shift away from fossil fuels to renewable electricity and clean fuels, plus energy
efficiency improvements in all buildings.
the radar, the real leaders in this transition are cities. 70% of the energy
used in our society is within cities. This makes sense – it's where we
work, live, drive and play. In America today, the following cities and counties
already get 100% of their electricity from renewable energy (in order of
highest kwh usage):
- Dallas, TX
- District of Columbia
- Austin, TX
- Portland, OR
- Santa Monica CA
- Franklin County, OH
- Bellingham, WA
- Ulster County, NY
- Rockville, MD
- Yolo County, CA
GENI is proud that our hometown is the largest US city to take the 100% renewable pledge within our San Diego Climate Action Plan.
The NY Times Dec. 15, 2015 headline was seen around the
San Diego Vows to Move Entirely to Renewable Energy in
20 Years
This requires everyone doing our part. Whether
at home, work or on the road, the choices you make affect generations to come. Be a leader and ask your City to do the same!
In Partnership for the Planet, |