195 nations are currently meeting in Bonn,
Germany to map out plans to mitigate climate change and reduce CO2 emissions 80% by 2050. The only outlier is the United States which decided to
pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Alternatively, former New York Mayor Michael
Bloomberg and California Governor Jerry Brown are leading hundreds of U.S. mayors,
governors and companies at the "We Are Still In" pavilion.
You'll recall Stanford Professor Mark
Jacobsen's research that is featured in The Solutions Project:
(WWS is Wind, Water and Solar) He
offers a detailed plan for each state and the nation to transition from fossil
fuels to renewables entirely by 2050.
Adding credibility to this compelling
scenario is the new study released by the German Energy Watch Group and
Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology: "Global Energy System based
on 100% Renewable Energy." Their findings make a persuasive case: it's
technically feasible, more cost effective than fossil fuels, slashes greenhouse
gas emissions and creates 36 million cleantech jobs by 2050.
You may have seen the recent World
Scientists Warning to Humanity: a Second Notice. The trends remain
negative on all critical issues except the ozone hole. "We are running
out of time to change course!"
GENI needs your help now to drive this 100% Renewable Solution into reality. Help us this year with a leading contribution …or even better, a
monthly pledge of support.
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