Breakthroughs in Batteries and Storage

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Articles on Technological Breakthroughs in Batteries and Storage

  • Future of electric cars hinges on better batteries
    Oct. 7, 2011 - Dana Hull -

    Electric cars are a game-changing technology with an Achilles' heel — the battery.
  • Current batteries are expensive and have limited range, making it hard to drive from San Jose to San Francisco and back without stopping to recharge. Experts agree consumers will never fully embrace electric vehicles until they can travel as far as a gas-powered car on a single charge.

  • Large scale energy storage technologies to capitalise on renewables
    Sep 21, 2011 -

    All Western European countries have targets aimed at boosting the contribution of renewable energy. Such high use of renewable energy is possible through efficient energy storage methods, creating huge opportunities for market growth.

  • Molten Metal Batteries Return for Renewable Energy Storage
    Feb 6, 2011 - Peter Behr and ClimateWire -

    New ideas for making sodium sulfur batteries could make them the answer for taming the variability of wind and solar power

  • MIT Harnesses Molecule Power
    Mar 8, 2010 - Michael Kanellos -greentechmedia

    In the future, we could be helped by flaming nanotubes and hot plastics.

  • Breakthrough in Energy Storage: Isentropic Energy
    Feb 23, 2010 - Eric Wesoff -

    Isentropic Energy’s pumped-heat electrical energy storage could disrupt the large-scale electrical energy storage market.

  • Beacon Integrates Additional MW of Flywheel Storage on New England Grid
    Dec 21, 2009 -

    Beacon Power Corporation has successfully connected and integrated an additional megawatt (MW) of flywheel energy storage on the New England power grid. This brings the company's total installed capacity to 3 MW, all of which are operation and earning revenue from frequency regulation services.

  • Nanotech Batteries for a new energy future
    Mar 22, 2009 - ScienceDaily

    Researchers at the Maryland NanoCenter at the University of Maryland have developed new systems for storing electrical energy derived from alternative sources that are, in some cases, 10 times more efficient than what is commercially available.

  • Conference panelists see car battery breakthrough
    Jul 21, 2008 - The Associated Press

    The lithium-ion battery, already a fixture in personal electronic devices, soon will become the answer to high oil prices and environmental concerns as it bulks up to power rechargeable electric vehicles, government, university and industry panelists predicted Monday.

  • Reclusive green-tech startup whispers a eulogy for the battery
    Sep 3, 2007 - The Associated Press

    AUSTIN, Texas: Millions of inventions pass quietly through the U.S. patent office each year. Patent No. 7,033,406 did, too, until energy insiders spotted six words in the filing that sounded like a death knell for the internal combustion engine.

  • Study: Plug-in hybrids could reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    Jul 19, 2007 - Ken Thomas - Associated Press

    If motorists used rechargeable "plug-in" hybrid-electric vehicles in large numbers, the U.S. could see a significant drop in greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of the century, says a study released Thursday.

  • Ford and Southern California Edison Partner on PHEV Research
    Jul 13, 2007 - Clean Edge News

    Ford and Southern California Edison are combining resources to explore ways to make plug-in hybrid (PHEV) vehicles more accessible to consumers, reduce petroleum-related emissions and improve the cost-effectiveness of the nation's electricity grid.

  • New battery packs powerful punch
    Jul 5, 2007 - Paul Davidson -USA TODAY

    Batteries have long been vital to laptops and cellphones. They are increasingly supplying electricity to an unlikely recipient: the power grid itself. Until recently, large amounts of electricity could not be efficiently stored. Thus, when you turn on the living-room light, power is instantly drawn from a generator. A new type of a room-size battery, however, may be poised to store energy for the nation's vast electric grid almost as easily as a reservoir stockpiles water, transforming the way power is delivered to homes and businesses.

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Keywords: Renewable Energy Resources, Library, Articles on Technological Breakthroughs in Batteries and Storage, sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac