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Articles on Future Fuels-Camelina
Camelina sativa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
sativa L. Crantz Camelina sativa, usually
known in English as camelina, gold-of-pleasure,
or false flax, also occasionally wild flax,
linseed dodder, German sesame, and Siberian
oilseed, is a flowering plant in the family
Brassicaceae which includes mustard, cabbage,
rapeseed, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels
sprouts. It is native to Northern Europe and
to Central Asian areas, but has been introduced
to North America, possibly as a weed in flax.
Use as Biofuel:
Camelina oil can be used for production of biodiesel.
However, the omega-3 fatty acid (á-linolenic
acid) and gamma-tocopherol content of the oil
may preclude its use as biofuel feedstock because
of its high value in food and feed. Camelina
seed contains 30%–40% oil. The linolenic acid
or omega-3 fatty acid (C18:3) makes up about
35%–39% of the total oil content, with the remaining
fatty acids being oleic (15%–20%), linoleic
(20%–25%), gondoic (5%–10%) and erucic (4%–5%).
The cold pressed meal still contains 10%–14%
oil by weight, with a protein content of about
40%, allowing it to compete with soybean meal
as an animal feed. The glucosinolate levels
in the meal are lower than in other brassicaceous
species, making it more desirable as an animal
feed. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/ncnu07/pdfs/pilgeram129-131.pdf
- Look,
It's the Green Hornet! Navy to Test Biofuels in
F-18 Fighter Jet
Aug 18, 2009 - Matthew McDermott - Alternative Energy
By this time next year, the US
Navy will have commenced biofuel tests on one
of its F/A-18
Super Hornet fighter jets. A request for proposal
for some 40,000 gallons of JP-5 aviation
biofuel was just issued. No word on what feedstocks
will be used in that fuel yet, other than the stipulation
that no food crops are used:
- Jet
biofuel ready for takeoff
May 29, 2009 - Katie Howell - Scientific American
Jet fuels derived from algae, camelina and jatropha
-- plants that pack an energy punch, are not eaten
as food and do not displace food crops -- could
be approved and replacing petroleum fuels in commercial
flights as early as next year, a Boeing executive
said yesterday.
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keywords: Renewable Energy Resources, Library, Articles on Future Fuels-Camelina, sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac