About Us

25 August 1993

Campaign to Fund the Vision of GENI Contribution Evenings

Dear GENI Friend,

In just ten weeks, the Campaign to Fund the Vision of GENI has hit our first milestone. I have recently returned from several more Contribution Evenings in Australia and New Zealand, and we have surpassed the $100,000 mark!

This will allow us to begin work on the Computer Model very soon. And now that we are e-mail linked to the world via Internet (our address is geni@cerf.net), we will have expert simulationists participating from around the world.

When you receive this, I will be in Europe giving keynote GENI presentations to two very important organizations — the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and the Transmission and Distribution (T & D) International Expo. This is a major shift. Last year Mike Fisher and I were passing out cards and literature in every forum possible — and this year they are inviting us to speak to their membership.

The support from people around the world is thrilling and humbling. Many have shared their vision of GENI, and expressed their hopes for a better world. It is rare that we voice these aspirations in public, and I have been privileged to witness these commitments. You have many great partners on the planet.

Thank you,

Peter Meisen
Executive Director

Keywords : Campaign to Fund the Vision of GENI Contribution Evenings,sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth

GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.
GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.

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