23 February 1995 The Hundredth Monkey Story, IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference, Nitin Desai, U. N. Under-Sec. Genl for Policy Planning and Sustainable Development
Dear GENI Friend, Words of thanks can't adequately express our appreciation of your support. Your contributions this past year have propelled GENI into spheres of influence around the world. I'm sure you are aware of GENI has not yet reached critical mass awareness yet but your letters, discussions and presentations are definitely moving us closer. I'd like to share two recent examples. At the recent IEEE Power Engineering Society conference in New York City, two presenters from Germany made similar proposals for a major linkage between Russia-Belarus-Poland-Germany. Both the Head of Transmission Planning of Preussen Elektra and Siemens Engineering said that their project proposals had origins from our GENI pack of two years ago! While in New York, we were also referred by the Chief of Staff of Boutros-Ghali to a meeting with Mr. Nitin Desai, the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Policy Planning and Sustainable Development. Mr. Desai and his staff are most interested in the GENI project recognizing that the proposal had come full circle since it first appeared via the UN Natural Resources Committee 25 years ago. With equal excitement, I also want to introduce GENI's new Executive Director, Patricia Stevens. Patricia brings both skills and commitment that will help bring this project to the world's attention critical mass awareness. Please call Patricia with any ideas or referrals you may have. Again, please share these results with all your friends and associates. And my very personal thanks for your financial contribution that enables us to do this work. In partnership for the planet, Peter Meisen, President Attachments: Keywords : The Hundredth Monkey Story, IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference, Nitin Desai, U. N. Under-Sec. Genl for Policy Planning and Sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet. GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.