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26 November 1997

The State of the World Forum

Dear GENI Friend,

Having just returned from The State of the World Forum, I am filled with the enormity of the challenges faced by humanity — and inspired by the multiplicity of people and organizations working to better the human condition. It's impossible to adequately report the experiences and discussions of 700 people over 5 days, but the following are my impressions.

The Gorbachev Foundation hosts The World Forum so that business people, thinkers and spiritual leaders will meet to explore strategies for a post cold-war world. For example, we had conversations about The GENI Initiative with: Jose Ramos-Horta (1996 Nobel Peace Prize), Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People author), Marian Wright Edelman (Children's Defense Fund), Alan Cranston (US Senator), Mahbub ul Haq (Human Development Centre and ex-UNDP), Ervin Laszlo (Club of Budapest), Fritjof Capra (Physicist, Author), Stuart Kauffman (Santa Fe Institute), Kim Polese (Java software designer), Amory Lovins (energy efficiency expert), Jonathan Dean (arms negotiator), Yael Dayan (member of Parliament, Knesset) just to mention a few of the more well known delegates.

We met from morning 'til night on a very broad agenda of global issues. I'll list them so you can see the breadth of issues that were discussed:

  • a global compact on human development
  • nuclear weapons abolition and the morality of arms sales
  • co-existence and community building
  • early child development
  • micro-credit enterprise and corporate social responsibility
  • science and society and the communications revolution
  • chemical toxics, especially endocrine disrupting chemicals
  • leadership and organization as complex adaptive systems
  • the challenge of climate change

We had over 70 panel sessions to chose from -- each delving into these issues in more detail. The discussions were insightful, disturbing as well as inspiring. The more one knows about a global crisis doesn't necessarily make the solution any easier to resolve. What's unmistakable is the tremendous period of transition the world is currently experiencing, which creates dislocations and opportunities everywhere you turn.

The GENI Initiative has been present at all three World Forums, and we are becoming known as one of the most thoughtful and diligent projects among many delegates. In fact, several people acknowledged our persistent contact between Forums, as we ask for their endorsement and financial support.

Our biggest potential for the Energy Grid came in discussions by The Forum Business Network. First there are many socially conscious investors who are forming this network. They now see the enormous economic development which occurs when everyone's energy needs are met. They are exploring the idea of hosting a World Game™ at next year's Forum! And as you already know, the global energy grid is the highest priority objective of the World Game™.

Good timing also ensued with the enclosed article from the Asia Engineer. This was published this month and distributed to many Forum Attendees through the panel sessions, library and our personal conversation. You're receiving this editorial argument just prior to the Climate Change Conference in Kyoto, Japan, December 1-10.

You could help leverage the impact by sending this article to the editor of your local newspaper or industry trade journal and ask them to reprint it. The piece is also currently running in the November issue of Chemistry and Industry Journal published in the UK under the title, No cure for a sick world?

In order to obtain true sustainability, we must begin by asking the right questions. You can help by engaging your colleagues in these ideas to make the world better for everyone.

Have a happy and peaceful holidays!

Peter Meisen

p.s. With the holidays here, we invite you to consider a Dymaxion Map, Globe, T-shirt or key ring as a gift this season. Everyone loves these items, learns something new about the world, and it supports the vision of this work. Use the enclosed order form, and we'll get your requests mailed by December 15th.

And, please consider adding a tax-deductible contribution to GENI at year's end. I think you'll agree that we've had a productive year... yet there is still so much to do.

* A very special thanks [to] the people who made our World Forum participation possible: Mark and Jennifer Absalom, Raj Basi, Beth Brummitt, Wendy and Paul Buckingham, Bill and Lee-Anne Carson, John and Betty Cook, Bob Currie, Anthony Davis, Mike and Louise DiMuccio, Joe Falcon, Dolly Garlo, GENI Victoria and South Australia, Doug Gurkin and Nancy Reddeman, DC and John Harrison, Nanci Hartland, Jimmy Harvey, David Jackson, Elaine Martin, Fred Matser, Lafty and Gloria Meisen, Robert and Susan Meredith, Rick and Jane Merica, Tony Nash, Ian Robertson, Shiila Safer, Bill and Cindy Shopoff, Paul Sterling, David Steven, Lowell Strombeck, David Tan Hock Lye, Kirk Warren. Thank you all!

Keywords : The State of the World Forum, sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy.

GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.
GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.

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