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30 April 2001

Western Hemisphere Leaders pledge to integrate renewables

Dear GENI Friend,

Another summit — another demonstration. If you watched the media during the recent Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, Canada, you would think the protestors did all the heavy lifting. Yet behind the headlines, the leaders of the Western Hemisphere signed on to integrate renewable energy resources on both continents!

The free trade issue talks of opening borders to buy and sell goods between nations without tariffs. Protestors say this can harm the environment, cause job loss and make the wealthy even richer. Both arguments have credence.

The GENI Initiative advocates a free flow of electrons across borders, which can only be accomplished through the interconnection of electric grids. It is evident that U.S. President Bush has also become convinced. In his post-summit news conference, he said that sources of energy could be found by expanding the capacity of electricity grids linking the United States and Mexico.

You may recall that several years ago, Mexican President Vicente Fox (then Governor of Guanajuato) endorsed our work stating, We are absolutely in agreement with this initiative and we want to let you know that we will be supporting all works that you develop in this relation.

You helped make this happen. Yes, we go to the energy meetings and ask the provocative questions, and our interns send solid information to the leaders before they convene. But without your support, these results would not be possible. So, I wish to thank you on behalf of all the people who will get electricity for the first time as a result of this Summit of the Americas.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen

Keywords : Western Hemisphere Leaders pledge to integrate renewables,Global Energy Network Institutesustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs

GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.
GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.

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