January 4, 2002
If you want peace,
work for justice
Dear GENI Friend,
We begin the new year with a war on terrorism and
apprehension over recession. Both of these realities
filter our aspirations for a better world.
The global shift of September 11 has changed everything
yet most of us still have jobs, our family
and good health. We remain blessed when compared to:
- 1.3 billion who live on less than $1 per day
- The same number have no access to clean water
- 2 billion have no access to electricity
- 3 billion have no sewage systems
- 25,000 children per day die from hunger related diseases
- 40 civil wars continue - most all in developing nations
The UN Secretary General (and Nobel Peace Prize winner)
expressed the situation so well on November 10th:
Let us remember that none of
the issues that faced us on Sept. 10 has become
less urgent. . . We face two possible futures:
a mutually destructive clash between so- called
'civilizations' based on the exaggeration of religious
and cultural differences; or a global community,
respecting diversity and rooted in universal values.The
later must be our choice but we can achieve
it only if we bring real hope to the billions now
trapped in poverty, conflict and disease.
We believe the GENI Initiative to be a critical link
to achieve both peace and justice. For clean water
and sanitation you need energy, for basic health care
you need refrigeration of food and medicine, for educating
women and children you extend the day with lights.
Delivering basic electrical service to everyone
in a sustainable manner is our mission with
peace and justice being the result. Thank you
for your
support through the good and bad times.
In partnership for the planet
Peter Meisen
Keywords: If you want peace, work
for justice, September 11, terrorism, realities, GENI,
Global Energy Network Institute, the energy grid,
sustainable energy, buckminster fuller
is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed
to improving the quality of life for everyone without
damage to the planet.
GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New
Zealand, Singapore and United States.