Congo Dem. Rep. energy Dashboard, Congo Dem. Rep. renewable energy, Congo Dem. Rep. energy grid, Congo Dem. Rep. electricity production,
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Library >> Energy Dashboards >> Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo

Power Network In Dem. Rep. of Congo
GENI - International Visualization of Global Issue & Energy
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Democratic Republic of Congo Electricity Generation by Fuel 1971 - 2005  

Grid Summary

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is blessed with the greatest hydropower potential in Africa, and among the largest in the world. This potential is a result of the country’s location with the catchment area of the Congo river. The republic’s technically feasible potential is 774 000 GWh/year (estimated in 1997). In 1991, the economically feasible potential was estimated at 419 210 GWH/year, less than 1 percent of the technically feasible potential has been developed. There is potential to construct a large hydro project on the Zaire river, La Grand’Inga, which could have a capacity of up to 35 500 GW. This project will go ahead if export markets in north and central African countries, including Egypt, are secured. A study concluded that such a large project was technically and economically feasible, and envisaged the construction of an 8000 MW first stage plant by 2010. Lake Mobutu Sese Seko also holds possibility for a storage site for a multipurpose project for hydro and for regulation of Nile river flows...more information.

View Progress by Goal for Democratic Republic of the Congo Official MDG Reports International aid and national awareness help in the struggle to overcome HIV/AIDS The Democratic Republic of the Congo is emerging from a tumultuous period marked by large-scale, armed conflict, the undermining of the authority of the State, and the resulting economic instability. Since 2001 the Government has adopted a three-stage strategy for recovery: stabilization, revitalization, and the return to sustainable development. Since the end of March 2002, the government has adopted an interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), which will help the country qualify for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative. The final PRSP, adopted at end-June 2006, is faithful to the strategy for emerging from the crisis, with a broader scope in order to include strengthening public institutions and enhancing governance. The fact that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) now have a place in the final PRSP is a step forward, but the integration of the Goals into the development strategy is still limited...more information.

Map of Dem. Rep. of the Congo in MDG Monitor

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Total Population


Electricity Production (billion kWh)

GDP per capita
(PPP US$):


Electricity Consumption (billion kWh)

GDP growth
(annual %):


% Urban

Human Development Index
(Rank 1 - 177):


% Rural

Life expectancy at birth


Population w. Electricity

Population below PPP $1 per day (%):


Rural Electricity Consumption (Per Capita)
119 kWh

Net enrollment ratio in primary education
(% both sexes):


Urban Electricity Consumption (Per Capita)
119 kWh

Carbon dioxide emissions per capita
(metric tons):


Unemployment, total (% of total labor force):
The MDG data presented here is the latest available from the United Nations Statistics Division. The World Bank has recently released new poverty estimates, which reflect improvements in internationally comparable price data. The new data estimates set a new poverty line of US$1.25 a day and offer a much more accurate picture of the cost of living in developing countries. They are based on the results of the 2005 International Comparison Program (ICP), released in first half of 2008, Population- rural/urban

Congo Dem. Rep. energy Dashboard, Congo Dem. Rep. renewable energy, Congo Dem. Rep. energy grid, Congo Dem. Rep. electricity production,
 Congo Dem. Rep.+energy, dem. rep. of congo electricity generation by fuel, dem. rep. of congo mdg

Keywords: Congo Dem. Rep. energy Dashboard, Congo Dem. Rep. renewable energy, Congo Dem. Rep. energy grid, Congo Dem. Rep. electricity production, Congo Dem. Rep.+energy, dem. rep. of congo electricity generation by fuel, dem. rep. of congo mdg, dem. rep. of congo millennium development goals, world energy issues, world energy trends, current global issues, transmission articles, renewables articles, renewable energy resources, shared network, sustainable development, geni, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, population, life expectancy, infant mortality, climate change, global warming, uhv, hvdc, hvac