Research on different aspects of application of geothermal
energy is actively perused. As for geothermal projects, some studies have been
conducted in the north west of the country with the collaboration of local and
international companies to design a prototype geothermal power plant producing
electricity. Other activities in this regard, carried out by this division includes:
various geo-chemical activities in "Khoy" Sabalan regions and geological maps
geo-physical sampling by aer-magnetic and gravity method in "Sabalan" geothermal
region, digging 7 boring well in "Khoy" and "Sabalan" geothermal regions to explore
the underground geological conditions., cooperation with different domestic and
international companies regarding geological, geo-physical, and geo–Chemical research
in geothermal fields of "Khoy" and determination of the deep geothermal storage
site (1,800 m) in the region.sources are not likely to contribute significantly
to Turkey’s energy mix in the near term…more
The first MDGs Report released by the I.R.
Iran, using national statistics, indicated that progress had been good in most
indicators. Iran has achieved much in its health sector and in the establishment
of health networks and has made significant advances in the education sector.
Iran has also made systematic progress in reducing absolute poverty and hunger
in terms of availability of food and access to basic needs. In general, the country
is well placed to meet most of the MDGs at the national level, if the right policies
are pursued over the next seven years. But there are serious challenges as well.
Inequality, for instance, and relative poverty is gradually on the rise because
of conditions such as inflation, unemployment, marginalization, lack of full social
insurance coverage and other factors. In fact, the national averages mask relatively
significant disparities between rich and poor, young and old, men and women and
inhabitants of different regions. On the other hand, despite significant progress
in gender education, the share of women in employment and management and policy-making
roles remains relatively small in Iran...more
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Total Population (millions)
Electricity Production (billion
per capita (PPP
Electricity Consumption (billion
GDP growth (annual %):
% Urban
Human Development Index (Rank 1 - 177):
% Rural
Life expectancy at birth (years):
Population w. Electricity
Population below PPP
$1 per day (%):
Rural Electricity Consumption (Per
Net enrollment ratio in primary education
(% both sexes):
Urban Electricity Consumption (Per
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (metric
Unemployment, total (% of total
labor force):
MDG data
presented here is the latest available from the United Nations Statistics Division.
The World Bank has recently released new poverty estimates, which reflect improvements
in internationally comparable price data. The new data estimates set a new poverty
line of US$1.25 a day and offer a much more accurate picture of the cost of living
in developing countries. They are based on the results of the 2005 International
Comparison Program (ICP), released in first half of 2008,
EIA Energy (2006E),Population
with electricity.Urban/Rural
Keywords: Iran energy Dashboard, Iran renewable
energy, Iran energy grid, Iran electricity production, Iran+energy, iran electricity
generation by fuel, iran mdg, iran millennium development goals, world energy
issues, world energy trends, current global issues, transmission articles, renewables
articles, renewable energy resources, shared network, sustainable development,
geni, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission,
grid, power, population, life expectancy, infant mortality, climate change, global
warming, uhv, hvdc, hvac