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Pakistan Energy Dashboard

Pakistan energy grid map
GENI - International Visualization of Global Issue & Energy

Pakistan Evolution of Electricity Generation by Fuel 1971 - 2005

Grid Summary

Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) was established as an autonomous body attached to the Cabinet Division vide Notification No.F.1/7/2003/Admn II, dated 12th May 2003. the Board was established to act as a central agency for development , promotion and facilitation of renewable energy technologies, formulation of plans, policies and development of technological base for manufacturing of renewable energy equipment in Pakistan. In Feb 2006, the administrative control of the Board was shifted from Cabinet Division to the Ministry of Water & Power. The President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 30th April 2005, promulgated an Ordinance for the establishment of Alternative Energy Development Board. The National Assembly of Pakistan passed the bill for establishment of Alternative Energy Development Board on 28 February 2007...more information.

wo policy frameworks address the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Pakistan which include the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and the Medium Term Development Framework (2005-2010). The PRSP, being the key macroeconomic framework, has forecasted public expenditures for seventeen pro-poor sectors until 2009. The framework defines a pro-poor policy strategy revolving around harnessing the potential of the people through increased public investment in education, health, water and sanitation, gender, employment and social safety nets. The Gross Domestic Product growth rate has been downwardly revised from the initially targeted 7.2 percent to 5.78 percent for the fiscal year 2007-08. Development strategies focusing on the attainment of MDGs have been elaborated in the Medium-Term Development Framework (2005-2010). Pakistan intends to increase its pro-poor spending to 6.49 percent of GDP (from an earlier 4.25 percent 2004-2005) by 2010 for attaining the MDG targets by 2015. Pakistan’s total education expenditures stood at USD 1.95 billion during FY2004-05 (2 percent of GDP) whereas the total health expenditures stood at USD 0.52 billion (0.5 percent of GDP). Pakistan has decided to double the expenditures on health and education as a percentage of GDP by FY2009-10. This means that the Government intends to spend about 4 percent of GDP on education which amounts to about USD 8.8 billion, and 1.0 percent of GDP on health which amounts to about USD 2.2 billion by the end of 2010...more information.

Map of Pakistan in MDG Monitor

Written permission is not required for the use and reproduction of this map as allowed by statutory exemptions or Fair Use. It applies solely to scholarly, academic, non-profit, or journalistic use of the properly credited ReliefWeb map. Created by ReliefWeb

Total Population


Electricity Production (billion kWh)

GDP per capita
(PPP US$):


Electricity Consumption (billion kWh)

GDP growth
(annual %):


% Urban

Human Development Index
(Rank 1 - 177):


% Rural

Life expectancy at birth


Population w. Electricity

Population below PPP $1 per day (%):


Rural Electricity Consumption (Per Capita)

Net enrollment ratio in primary education
(% both sexes):


Urban Electricity Consumption (Per Capita)
425 kWh

Carbon dioxide emissions per capita
(metric tons):


Unemployment, total (% of total labor force):
The MDG data presented here is the latest available from the United Nations Statistics Division. The World Bank has recently released new poverty estimates, which reflect improvements in internationally comparable price data. The new data estimates set a new poverty line of US$1.25 a day and offer a much more accurate picture of the cost of living in developing countries. They are based on the results of the 2005 International Comparison Program (ICP), released in first half of 2008, EIA Energy (2007E), EIA South Asia Overview(2006),

Pakistan energy Dashboard, Pakistan renewable energy, Pakistan energy grid, Pakistan electricity production, Pakistan+energy,
 pakistan electricity generation by fuel, pakistan mdg, pakistan millennium development goals

Keywords: Pakistan energy Dashboard, Pakistan renewable energy, Pakistan energy grid, Pakistan electricity production, Pakistan+energy, pakistan electricity generation by fuel, pakistan mdg, pakistan millennium development goals, world energy issues, world energy trends, current global issues, transmission articles, renewables articles, renewable energy resources, shared network, sustainable development, geni, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, population, life expectancy, infant mortality, climate change, global warming, uhv, hvdc, hvac