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The Brazilian Wind Energy Center was created in march/1996, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and Legal Amazon, the Secretary of Science, Technology and Environment of Pernambuco and the Bank of Northeast of Brazil. It is managed by the staff of the Wind Energy Group of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, a recognized reference research group in wind energy. The achievement of successful wind energy projects in Brazil, mainly considering the local components manufacturing and wind farms installation, requires specific studies in order to determine the characteristics of the equipment to be used. This can only be assured by a serious work in research and development of wind turbine components and systems, including the elaboration of technical specifications and standards to the Brazilian conditions. Amongst many other activities, the Brazilian Wind Energy Center, located at the coastline of hte historical city of Olinda, is testing the performance of several wind turbines in order to define the appropriate design characteristics of the machines that shall be used in the future projects. In co-operation with local industries this study will also lead to the development of new and application-specific components/equipment. At the present, there are two grid connected wind turbines installed in the Brazilian Wind Energy Center - CBEE, one OHM-30 (30kW) and one OWW-300 (300kW). A complete data acquisition system is used to collect information about the aerodynamic and structural loads, energy production and power quality. In addition, there are two small wind turbines, one BWC 1500 (1.5kW) for small hybrid power systems study and one RUTLAND WG910 (90W) for battery charging and lighting applications (http://www.eolica.com.br/index_ing.html).
Wind Assesment in Brazil

Brazil has an area equivalent to the continental US, therefore it is not inconceivable that good wind resources can be found in many parts of the country. Most focus has been put on the state of Cearį (north-east of Brazil) mainly because it was the first one to carry out precise and reliable wind data collection. Today, several preliminary resource assessment programs in specific locations are underway. Most of these programs, which are conducted by the CBEE or utilities that have been trained by the CBEE, are based on the installation of modern wind data loggers, data collection and analysis through the simulation of the wind climate using a microscale atmospheric model (e.g. Wasp/RISŲ)...more>>

Projects in Brazil


Potential Wind Resources: Total Electric Usage (2002) Population (August. 2000) Energy usage /person/year
28.9 GW 321,600 GWh 184,101,109 1.860 MWh

The estimated potential wind production would cover 0.08% of Brazil's energy needs.

Energy Conversion:

1 TWh (terawatt-hour) 1000 GWh (gigawatt-hour)
1 GWh (gigawatt-hour) 1000 MWh (megawatt-hour)
1 MWh (megawatt-hour) 1000 KWh (kilowatt-hour)
1 KWh (kilowatt-hour) 1000 Wh (watt-hour)

References and Additional Information about Wind Resources in Brazil:

Centro Brasileiro De Energia Eolica: http://www.eolica.com.br/index_ing.html
Economy & Energy Brazil: http://ecen.com/eee39/brasil_energy_in_2002_main_indexes.htm
CIA: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/br.html
Energy Breakdown Chart of Brazil: Energy Chart
Energy Grid Map of Brazil: Grid Map

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