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The Italian government is supporting the development of renewable energy as part of the country's commitment to the Kyoto Protocol and the EU goal of producing 22% of Europe's electricity from renewable energy sources by 2010. Much of that power is expected to come from wind energy. According to a recent survey published by the German Wind Energy Institute, Italy is one of five highly important future markets for wind energy development. By the end of 2003, the country had 922 MW of installed wind energy capacity, with a target of more than 2400 MW by the end of 2008...more>>


Italian Vento Power Corp. (IVPC) and Japanese trading company Tomen Corp., in a joint project, completed a 170-MW wind plant, one of the world’s largest, in southern Italy at a total cost of about $260 million. The wind farm is located in Campania and Puglia near Naples and consists of 282 Vestas 600-kW turbines. Electricity from the facility will be sold to the Italian state utility ENEL...more>>


Potential Wind Resources: Total Electric Usage (2001) Population (July 2003) Energy usage /person/year
N/A 289,100 GWh 57,998,353 4.9846 MWh

Energy Conversion:

1 TWh (terawatt-hour) 1000 GWh (gigawatt-hour)
1 GWh (gigawatt-hour) 1000 MWh (megawatt-hour)
1 MWh (megawatt-hour) 1000 KWh (kilowatt-hour)
1 KWh (kilowatt-hour) 1000 Wh (watt-hour)

References and Additional Information about Wind Resources in Italy:

AWEA: Global Wind Energy Market
Power Engineering: GE Energy enters Italian wind industry
Nationmaster: http://www.nationmaster.com/country/it/Energy
Energy Breakdown Chart of Italy: Energy Chart
Energy Grid Map of Italy: Grid Map

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